What hurts the most-Chapter 6

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The next morning you awoke, ready to play you and Petyr's game once again.  You got dressed and decided to go for a walk. As you walked through the gardens you noticed Petyr and Ned Stark talking. You smiled as you watched Petyr and Ned Stark talk.

Petyr left Ned Stark and walked over to you.
"Hello my lady. How did you sleep? " he asked.
"I slept well my lord." You smiled. "How did you sleep?"
"Well enough." He nodded.
"My lord, I'm so very curious on what you were doing with Ned Stark." You smirked.
"Of course you are. However, I can not satisfy your curiosity." He smirked back at you.
"Well I'm not sure you can satisfy much for me then." You nodded, knowing how this game was played. You both walked inside and through the empty halls. Petyr had said nothing to you. He had no smart remark or anything.
Suddenly, as you got into a hall way he pushed you against the wall, arms either side of you.
"My lady. I satisfied things for you yesterday. Have you forgotten?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Sadly. I do not forget a thing." You smiled. He slowly leaned into you, you faces only a few inches apart.
"My Lady. I can give you something you will not forget." He smirked.
You wanted so badly to kiss him, but you couldn't let him win. You let your lips touch his before you pulled away and pushed passed him.
"My lord, I'm afraid I forgot about that really quickly." You smirked. If this was any other man he'd have walked away by now. But Petyr knew how the game was played.
"Then we will try this." He pushed you against the wall and pressed his lips against yours.
You couldn't kiss him back. You wanted to, but you couldn't. If he won, he'd have something to gloat about.
So you pushed him away once more.
"Petyr. My lord, you really don't know how to make a mark on someone do you?" You smirked. "However, I do."
You pushed him against the wall and grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to you. You stood on you tip toes and you pulled him in for a kiss. He wanted to resist, but he didn't. He kissed you back. He wrapped his arms around your waist and he kissed you.
He pulled away.
"I won." He smirked.
"How did you win?" You frowned.
"I pulled away. I ended with control." He smirked. You frowned at him, before walking away once again. That's all you could do. The only move you could make.
Was that all that kiss meant to him? His control?
You decided to continue your walk. However, this time you ran into Varys.
"My Lady." He smiled, bowing at you.
"Lord Varys. " you gasped. "I'm sorry about your spy."
He frowned at you. "I see you've realized."
"I knew already. I was prepared to come here." You smiled.
"But I see you have played into Petyr's game quite nicely."
"Excuse me?" You frowned.
"Well, he has you wrapped around his little finger. No joke intended. He may care for you, like he has done with people before. But you must be ready to be part of a game. A sick, twisted game." Varys nodded. "Not that love game you two play. For him, that's child's play. But the real game. Make no mistake lady Y/N, the real game is not as fun ."
You said nothing, you just walked past Varys.
You needed to rest.

Born to die- Petyr Baelish x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon