Don't you dare forget the sun-Chapter 5

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You rushed into Petyr's room, where Nova was. Nova was backed into the corner, the man from earlier stood in front of her. You looked to Ros who sat on the bed. You mouthed 'Get Petyr.' Ros nodded, grabbed her clothes and left. You had to get this man's attention. "Hey!" You shouted.

"Oh, there you are! I was hoping for more company." The man smirked and turned around.
"We are not here for you." You frowned at the man. Your dagger was still in your boots and you weren't afraid to use it.
"I paid Littlefinger a lot. He said I could have any one of the whores. Your handmaiden is your whore and you are Petyr's. Whores nonetheless." The man frowned.
You glared at the man before grabbing Nova's hand, trying to pull her from his grasp.
"I'm not Petyr's whore." You raised your voice slightly. You pushed him out of the way and grabbed Nova. You positioned her behind you as you tried to leave. However, the man placed his arm across the door. Not letting you pass.
"I'm not done with you." He grinned evilly.
The man tried to grab Nova again. Without question, you pulled out your dagger and held it beside his throat. "Hands to yourself." You scowled.
"Now let us pass." You ordered. But the man grabbed the blade and threw it on the floor. He slapped you, leaving a red mark on your cheek.
Suddenly, Petyr stood behind the man.
"I require you to leave, Lord Fawn." Petyr glared.
The man turned, and looked at Petyr. "Why is that? "
"I own this place. I make orders. Leave." Petyr demanded.
Suddenly, Lord Fawn punched Petyr causing him to fall to the floor. Nova held you back for a moment. "Don't." She begged. "You can't get hurt again."
"But Petyr needs my help." You said.
The man went to hit Petyr again, but you pulled your arm from Nova and kicked the man in his private area.
"Leave." You demanded.
Lord Fawn limped to the exit,  muttering insults.

You fell to your knees beside him. His nose was bloody but thankfully it was not broken.
"Are you okay Y/N? " he asked.
"Of course I am. But I'm not the concern here. Are you okay? " you smiled.
"Of course. I've been hit harder." He laughed. He got up and entered his office, gesturing for you to follow.
"Nova. Go to Tywin. Tell him about Lord Fawn." You ordered. "And take this, just in case." You handed her you dagger.
"Yes Y/N." She said as she left.

You entered the room with Petyr and closed the door behind you. Petyr sat on a sofa, trying to clean the blood from his face. You sighed and sat beside him. You took the cloth from his hand and began wiping it for him. You sat there cleaning the blood until it stopped running.
"Thank you Y/N. " he smiled at you.
"It's alright Petyr," you smiled as you placed the cloth in a bin. You sat beside Petyr once more.
"Today was hectic. I seem to think me being in your life has just made it hectic." You sighed.
"No. Y/N. Do not think like that." Petyr frowned.
"But it's true. This has been happening since I came here. Varys' spy. Lord Fawn. Who next? Today you only got punched, today Nova got harrassed. I do not want to see any worse happen to either of you. Maybe I should go." You sighed, as you stood up Petyr pulled you back down.
"Please Stay. Please." He signed. "Don't make me beg."
You froze. Your game had stopped hadn't it? Or maybe it never stopped for him?
Maybe he doesn't love you. Paranoia struck you.
"I... I don't want to be a fool." You sighed.
"Fool? " he raised his eyebrows.
"Your fool. " as you said those words Petyr had gotten closer to you.
He rested his hand on your jaw and pulled you close. Your faces were inches apart.
"If this was a game. I'd have said something smart by now." He smiled.
You let out a small laugh before he placed his lips on yours.

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