And Then You- Chapter 8

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A few moments later Petyr stirred and opened his eyes. "Y/N." He said as he stretched and yawned. He sat up looking at you. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah just a bad dream."
He stared at you. "You are lying. What's wrong? "
"Nothing I just had a bad dream. It's fine. I will be fine. Honestly, Petyr." You smiled turning to face him. He let out a sigh and nodded.
"You know you can tell me anything right?"
"Yes." You nodded.
There was a moment of silence before you spoke again.
"You know how in games, they have a time out? " you began but Petyr raised his hand to stop you.
"I knew this would bother you. Sooner or later." He began but you cut him off.
"No Petyr. I love the game. It is fine when we do it in public. I find it rather amusing, as do you. But, when we are alone like now, I'd like it to stop. Like a time out. Just so I know, you aren't using me." You let out your feelings to him.
Everything had been hurting for the past 7 years of your life. Your thoughts were bad, your life was bad, everything was bad.
And then he was here. Petyr. He was bad, but you loved him because you were bad too.
"Come here." He gestured for you to come closer.
You sat in between his legs and you hugged him. It was that moment when you started to cry.
You were thinking about everyone who has been there for you. Some how, when things got really bad, they'd run off into the other direction. You were worried Petyr would do that too, but for now it didn't seem like it. You wiped your tears, sat up crossed leg, and faced him. "Can I ask you something?" You asked.
"Depends... What is it?" He responded cautiously. "Why did you agree to marry me?" You asked. "You had a choice unlike me. You could've said no."
"I could've, but I didn't. I'd have to marry some day. I'd want it to be someone who can handle me on an intelligence level and an emotional level. I hear a lot about everyone who comes to Kings Landing, but I'd heard so little about you. I was fascinated by what secrets you were hiding, by who you are. That is why." He smirked.
"That's a better answer than I could ever expect." You smiled back.
"It's getting late, you should rest my lady." Petyr smiled and got up.
"No wait!" You called, grabbing his sleeve as he stood. He looked back at you, shocked by your actions.
"I'm sorry." You let go, "I would like you to stay. If you want to. I don't think I could sleep without you."
Petyr let out a sigh. "I'll be back. Allow me to go get a change of clothes." He bowed and left the room.
You smiled rushing to Nova's room,  which wasn't too far from yours. When you got there you heard talking. You couldn't help but listen when you heard Tywin's voice.

"You remind me so much of her." He spoke in the room.
"She was very beautiful my lord. What was she like?" Nova responded.
You decided it'd be unfair to listen any further so you took a long walk back to your room. When you got there, you began to undress yourself. You stood naked looking in your waldrobe for a nightgown. Suddenly, there was a knock on your door, it startled you. "One moment! " you called out.
You grabbed a small blanket and wrapped it around you like a towel. It came up to your knees. You opened the door to see Petyr.
His face bright red when he saw you.
"Come in." You pulled him in and slammed the door shut. "Sit on my bed, I'll be back in a moment."
You pushed him on the bed and went to walk away when he grabbed your hand.
"Did something happen?" He asked.
"No. It's fine Petyr. I just need to get into my nightgown." You smiled reassuringly.
"Okay." He nodded, dropping your hand.
You walked behind the waldrobe door to slip on the nightgown. It was a lot shorter than you had expected, and it was made out of lace. Your face went bright red, this was incredibly inappropriate.

"Petyr. Could you maybe pass me another nightgown?" You asked.
"Uh yeah. Why?  What's wrong with that one?" He asked, browsing your waldrobe.
"It's a little revealing." You blushed. Petyr chuckled before closing the waldrobe door to see you in the nightgown.
"It is perfectly fine. I love it. " he smiled.
"Thank you." You smiled. You could see Petyr was already in his night wear.
You both climbed into bed after blowing out the candles. You rested your head on Petyr's chest as the moonlight spread across the room. His arm around you, all the comfort you needed.
Unfortunately though this wasn't going to last. Things were going to get a lot more dangerous and hectic from here on out.
We have to be prepared.

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