Chapter 17- Ned

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Ooo look I actually updated. *gasp* BTW I am adding a Petyr POV part here. There will be several because they will be short. . *another gasp* Have fun reading! 

You woke up slowly. Stretching and yawning. Your eyes took a few moments to adjust to your surroundings. You turned on your side noticing the cold, empty space beside you. "Petyr?" you sat up and looked around. There he was. Sitting at his desk, writing. 

"Good morning love." he smirked, "How'd you sleep?" 
"Quite well." you yawned again. "What are you doing?" you got up slowly. 
"Money stuff." he nodded to you and looked back down at his parchment. "The king over spends and the crown is horribly in debt." 
"Oh trust me, I know." you laughed to yourself as you walked over and leaned on Petyr's desk. 
"What am I to change into?" you asked.
"That." he pointed to a long, red gown that had been hung over a chair. "I had someone bring you some clothes before you woke up." 
"Thank you." you smiled planting a kiss on his cheek before grabbing the gown. 
You slowly began to undress in front of him. Slowly pulling your gown off, leaving your skin bare. The breeze caused you to shiver slightly before you placed the gown over the top of you. Petyr stared at you and smirked when you were done. 
"Comfortable are we?" he joked. Smirking to yourself you sat on his bed thinking about yesterday. It felt like a bad dream. Ned. Jory. 

"Oh and love?" Petyr looked back up from what he was doing and looked at you. 
"Hmm?" you hummed a response.
"Ned's awake." 

Those words caused you to stand up rather quickly. "What? Really?"you felt your hands begin to shake. He's alright, you felt relieved. 
"Yes." Petyr laughed to himself before looking back down. 

"Oh my!" you ran up and hugged him before running to the door. "I must go see him. I'll see you later. I love you." you then rushed off to Ned's room. Assuming that's where he'd be. 

1st Petyr P.O.V
Another northern girl Petyr. Another northern girl obsessed with Ned Stark. That man...The two women I've loved and he's involved greatly with them both. Jealousy courses through my veins but I let out a sigh. Don't worry. It'll all be over soon. 


You rushed up to the hand of the king's room. You knocked on the door and politely waited for someone to open it. When the door opened all you saw was Robert and Ned. "I'm leaving now Y/N. Seriously, help me convince him to be hand again." Robert chuckled as he walked past you and out of the room. 
You rushed in and hugged Ned who was laying on the bed. He looked so uncomfortable which also made you feel uncomfortable. "Are you okay?" you asked pulling away. "Petyr told me you were awake!" 
"Yes Y/N, I am doing fine." he smiled slightly. 
You sat on the bed beside him and stared. "I'm glad," you smiled back. 
"Y/N..." Ned said seriously as he placed his hand on yours. "I'm sorry about Jory." 

You stared at your lap for a moment, the events of yesterday flashing in your mind almost like a dream. "I'm sorry I couldn't have been of more help." you said rather quietly. 
"Don't apologize Y/N." he squeezed your hand. "I didn't expect you to single handily kill all those Lannister men. " 
"I just wish I could've helped Jory. You lost all your men as well. I wish that didn't have to happen." you sighed.
"I agree. I wish it wasn't necessary and I am upset that it was." Ned nodded.
"Is Robert going to do anything?" you asked looking back at Ned.

"No. He wants us to just resolve it. It's easier for him that way." Ned sighed.
You felt your blood boil. "Nothing is going to be done?" 
"Y/N I understand this might upset but there's nothing we can do." 

You moved your hand from Ned's and stood. " This isn't fair." 
"I know." Ned looked away from you. 
"I just need to go for a walk and calm down." you gave Ned another hug. "You rest. I'll come and visit you again soon." 
"Be safe Y/N." he nodded watching you walk out. 

2nd Petyr P.O.V 2

There she was. Staring at the fountain water like the first day I saw her. She looked sad but I wanted to observe her for a bit before I approach. I wonder how her talk with Ned went. I laughed to myself. Clearly not well, she looks so sad. That's when I saw Sansa approach her. They talked for a few moments before Sansa spotted me and walked over to me. 
"Lord Baelish," Sansa curtsied.
"Lady Sansa." I bowed. 
"Lord Baelish, if you don't mind me asking why aren't you over seeing Lady Bolton? She's rather sad and she won't tell me why." Sansa looked to the floor for a moment before looking back up to me. 
"I was about to go over there. Thank you." I bowed to her again before making my way over to Y/N.


You stared at the water in the fountain. Dipping your fingers in and moving your hand about in the cold water infested with petals off of the flower trees. That's when you felt a shadow over you. If the reflection of their face didn't give it away their smell did. It was Petyr. He smelt like books in an odd way but he also had a home like smell. It was almost comforting to you. 
You didn't even need to look up at him. 
"What's wrong Y/N?" he asked. 
You stood up and grabbed his hand. "If I'm going to tell you, I'll tell you somewhere else. " 

You dragged him off to a secluded, quiet hallway and pulled him into one of the empty rooms. 
"Ned told me Jamie isn't going to be punished for what he did. We just have to resolve it so it will be easier for Robert." you vented.
Petyr stared for a moment. "Whilst I understand Robert, having Lannisters and Starks at each other's throats would destroy the kingdom. I don't think that's fair. There should be some form of punishment." Petyr placed a hand on your shoulder. 
"I agree." you sighed "It just really brought me down."
Petyr pulled you into a warm hug and stroked your hair. 
"I promise it'll all be okay soon." his voice comforted you. You smiled to yourself leaning into the hug. 

Born to die- Petyr Baelish x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now