Questioning- Chapter 12

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*Warning Chapter starts off sad...*

You woke up the next morning beside Petyr who was still sound asleep, exhausted from the previous night. You felt strange. Not the good kind, or the bad kind. You didn't know how to explain it. You quietly get out of bed and grabbed some clothes.A long blue, silky dress.  After getting into them you grabbed some paper and began to write a note. 'I went to find Nova, I'll be by the fountain.'
You placed the note where you once laid, grabbed a book and left. Praying Nova was awake you knocked on her door and patiently waited outside.  
Nova in a long red nightgown opened the door. "What is it?" she asked in a concerned tone. 

You were speechless. How do you tell her? 
"Come in." she smiled. She placed her arm around you and gestured you inside. She shut the door and sat beside you. "What happened?" she frowned. "Did Petyr hurt you?" 

She always seemed to jump to that conclusion. "I...I gave myself to him." 

Nova leant back and let go of you. With a disappointed look she asked: "Why?"

"I love him. I don't know. It was in the moment. Neither of us were thinking about it." 
"Were you careful?" 

"Okay, at least that's good. I need to get dressed. Can you leave?" 
"Uh-yeah." Your voice cracked a little. You got up and left her room as quickly as you could.

Tears stained your eyes, you felt judged. By one of your only friends in this place. This saddened you, greatly. Keeping your head down, to hide your tears you turned a corner. You went head first into someone's chest. Looking up you saw it was Petyr. Part of you was glad, you didn't know how you'd explain yourself to a random person. Part of you was not so glad, as he had just realised your tear stained eyes. 

"What's wrong my dear?" he asked.
"Nothing." you forced a smile. "Just a little argument with Nova." 

He wiped your tears with his thumb and pulled you into an embrace.
"I have a meeting at the council. I'll see you soon." 
"I'll see you." you smiled. 
He kissed your cheek and walked off. You let out a sigh and walked to the fountain. Sitting down you let out another sigh, diverting your attention to the book you had.

Moments later a shadow was casted over you. You looked up, it was Arya. 
"Hey Y/N, do you know where my father is?"

"I presume he is still in the meeting."

"Oh okay, thank you." She went to walk away.

"Wait. Arya..come back." 
"How are you finding it here?" 
"I wanna go home." 
"I wanna go to Winterfell too. Not really my home, but I wish it was." 
"Aren't you marrying Littlefinger?"
"Yes, I am."
"Mum says he's strange."
"Aren't we all."
And with that Arya walked off. You appreciated the small conversation and looked back down at your book. 

Another hour passed and another shadow was casted over you. But a familiar smell hit your senses. It was Petyr. You smiled before looking up. You glanced around you, quite a few people were in the gardens. Knowing how he'd be you decided to  be on top of your game. 

"Oh it's you," talking more to the people around you than to him. You looked back down at your book. Petyr chuckled.
"You looked lonely Lady Bolton."
"Did I Petyr? Or was it you that was lonely?" you smirked causing Petyr to chuckle once again. 
You looked up and locked eyes with him, staring into his eyes for a few moments before quickly looking back down to the book. "My lady, I must change. " he smirked before leaning into you. 
"Meet me in your room." he whispered. 

Before he could stand you grabbed his arm. "Petyr we can't do what happened last night again. Not yet anyway. We were safe last time. But so many things could go wrong. I don't want to increase the risk. " You whispered. 
"I get it my dear." He smiled. "We can just stay in the same room."
He got up, bowed and left. 

*Sorry if this is really bad :c*

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