Boston- Chapter 7

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You decided to lay down on your bed and shut your eyes for a few hours. You needed peace and quiet for a little while. No games. No pain.


You were walking about Winter fell. Your father was here to talk to Ned Stark and he decided to bring you and your brother along. Suddenly, Sansa approached you with a few of her friends. "Hey, Y/N right?" Her friend smirked.
You let out a sigh before nodding. "What are you doing here?  Robb wouldn't marry you." The other friend spoke. Sansa kept quiet. She always did. She never got involved.

"I am not here for Robb." You frowned.
"Who are you here for then? Jon?" The two girls burst out laughing.
"No. My father is asking Ned if I can occumpany you to King's Landing. After Robert requested Ned to be Hand of the King, my father said it was my time to marry." You sighed.
"Who would want to marry you?" The two girls laughed before walking off.
Sansa sighed. "I'm sorry about them. I'm sure you are lovely."
"Forget it Sansa. You don't know me." You stormed off.
You looked at the sky. Always full of clouds. You didn't want to go to King's Landing. Everyone there was different. There wasn't any snow, it was warm. People dressed differently, acted differently and most of all,  kept more secrets.
You let out a sigh. You didn't want to be here either. You loved Winterfell, but you hated almost everyone in it.
You were scared, to marry, to go to a place you had never been to before. What if the man was horrid?  What if he beat you like your brother did? 
You started to cry.
Then Jon approached you.
"Are you alright Y/N?" he asked.
"Yeah I'm sorry Jon. I'm just tired."
"You are crying...because you are tired?"
You let out a small laugh. "No. I'm scared."
"New place. As nice as it may be. New people. A husband. "
"Well if that new husband does anything horrid to you. Send me a raven and I'll tell Robb. That man will be murdered."
"Thank you Jon."
"It's alright. Look at it like this, you will have so many new opportunities to use that brilliant brain of yours." He smirked making you laugh.
"You are like a brother to me." You smiled hugging him. Jon smiled back.

"Come on Y/N." Your father called from the distance. You pulled from the hug and smiled at Jon. "Thank you. I love you Jon. Ill send you a ton of ravens. You'll do wonderfully in the Nights Watch." You smiled before running over to your father.
Your father walked ahead. Behind him, your brother kept pushing you, until you fell.
Your father turned. "What happened? "
"I-" you looked at Ramsay. "I tripped." You sighed getting up and walking beside your father.
"Stop embarrassing me." He frowned.
"I'm sorry ."


When you woke up Petyr was beside you, asleep as well. You sat up slowly trying not to disturb him. You were confused about why he was there, but you weren't bothered by it.
"Oh Petyr." You sighed, hugging your knees.

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