Hero- Chapter 10

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You hummed a song to yourself as you walked around the gardens. That's when you saw Sansa talked to a bunch of girls you'd never seen before. You assumed these were Sansa's new friends, also assuming they were just as bad as the last.
You stopped by the fountain and sat on the opposite side to them. You got out your book and began reading. You felt a shadow cover you, you looked up. Sansa.
"Hey Y/N. We got off on a bad start at first, but I'd really like to be your friend. Your the only familiar face that I don't hate, or that doesn't hate me." She let out a small sigh accompanied with a smile.
"If you need me Sansa I'm here for you." You said, not knowing what else to say to her. She only bothered now.
"Thank you Y/N. Im here for you too." She bowed and walked off.
You looked down to your book once again. However, about an hour later you felt another shadow over you. You looked up once again but to see someone you didn't think you'd see.
"Your grace." You stood up and bowed to Robert.
"No need Y/n." He chuckled, "I was wondering when you wanted to have your wedding. I'm sure by now you've been acquainted with Lord Baelish."
"Yes, I have." You smiled.
"So my dear, when would you like is to arrange the wedding?"
"I'm unsure. Why aren't you asking Petyr? Normally you'd ask the man. " you frowned and spoke cautiously.
"I have. He gave me a date, I just saw you here and I'd thought I'd ask you."
"Okay. I'm sure whatever he said is fine." You nodded sitting back down.
Robert sat beside you. "You know you are just like your father."
"What?" You turned to Robert. You began to feel your blood boil. How dare he compare you to your father!
"You're quiet and you appear to mind your own business, when in reality you know everything about everyone. Everyone trusts you, and they shouldn't. You aren't all that innocent." Robert laughed. This man was clearly drunk, a part of you hoped someone would come by and take him away or at least you.
You waited for your saviour, your hero, but no one came. He continued to ramble about how similar you and your father are, about how your brother is a special case and about your mother. Her beautiful, short red hair, her emerald green eyes and her soft pale skin. You were they spitting image of her. Then Robert got flirty. Explaining how he knew your mother very well. If he didn't want to marry Lyanna he would've married her.
He leaned closer to you and your heart began to beat really fast. 'Please.' You thought. 'Someone save me'

I prayed someone would see and say something. Noticing the spies all around you, you quickly jumped up. "Your grace, maybe we can talk somewhere else?" you asked, knowing he'd freak if you completely dismissed yourself. He got up and began walking, hoping you'd come across Petyr or Ned. Or anyone for that matter. Instead, on your walk you came across Sansa. She bowed in Robert's presence. "Your grace." she smiled.
"Beautiful girl, isn't she?" Robert smiled turning to you. You nodded and smiled back. "She's marrying my son." he said proudly causing Sansa to blush. Robert kept complimenting you and Sansa, which made you feel even more uncomfortable. Realising Robert was drunk, Sansa began to show discomfort on her face. He was never normally like this. "Oh Sansa," you smiled, deciding to be Sansa's hero and your own.
"I wanted to discuss my wedding with you." you smiled. You held your hand out and she took it. You both bowed to Robert. "Your grace." you smiled before pulling her away as fast as you could. When you were a distance from him Sansa smiled. "Thank you,"
"No problem. We both needed to get away."

"So, I'm marrying Petyr Baelish as you may have heard. I was wondering if you'd like to be my bridesmaid?" you asked. Despite your history together, you decided it would be best to make peace with someone. Sansa nodded excitedly.

"You'll have to tell me what colour you are wearing! So we don't clash." she smiled. "I can even make your dress for you."

"I'd love that." you smiled, dropping Sansa to her room.

"You had a good day?" A voice caused you to jump as you turned the corner. It was Petyr.

Born to die- Petyr Baelish x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now