
722 54 15

Anna Holden

Once again, I'm in a daze as everyone else processes our news. Then, at the same time, they all groan.

"What, is that bad?" I ask. I can't help but notice Niall looking relieved, the opposite of everyone else in the room.

"No, it just means Louis is going to be very protective of you." Liam explains, coming out of the bathroom. Has he been in there the entire time?

"You better watch out. Don't do anything he wouldn't." Zayn smirks at Niall, patting him on the back.

Niall turns red. "I won't," he mutters, looking at the ground.

"Good luck, little Nialler." They tease him. "Don't let Louis's rage get to you."

"So... What do you think?" Louis asks them, and I notice he looks a bit more relaxed now.

"I think it's really cool." Harry smiles.

How appropriate that he was the first one to reply. I was just thinking about cats a second ago.

I need to come back down to Earth. Everything seems surreal.

"Yeah, you seem like you could be Lou's sister." Eleanor adds, speaking as if Louis hadn't asked the question.

Niall shrugs. "Or Liam's. Or Zayn's."

"Not Harry's, though," adds Perrie.

Zayn chuckles and agrees. "No, not Harry's. That would be disasterous."

"What does that mean?" Harry protests.

"Hey, Niall, can I talk with you for a second?" Louis asks, cutting Harry off. "In private?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Niall says, following Louis back into the room we just left, uncertainly.

Since Niall left the room, I'm left with two of his bandmates and their girlfriends scattered in different places in the room. But my thoughts are nowhere near them.

I am a Tomlinson.


The idea freezes my entire brain, making me shiver. How is that even possible?

Sure, I think of Louis as the older brother-type guy who always makes you laugh, but I never pictured actually being associated with his family in any genetic way.

It's probably the one thing I didn't envision while fangirling over them.

Especially when he's so outgoing and I'm... Me.

I shake all the crazy ideas in my head aside and turn my attention to the remaining people in the room, occupying themselves with random activities. Zayn is doing a puzzle with Perrie, Eleanor is reading a fashion magazine, Liam is on his phone, and Harry is in the kitchen unpacking the groceries.

I check my own phone and discover three new messages from when I last checked.

Liam Payne: Want anything from the store? xx


Louis Tomlinson: don't bother making food for Niall, bought some :) xx

Oops. Again.

Eleanor Calder: hiii do you want to go shopping today? Really need some new clothes! xx

- EC

At least this one was sent recently. Two minutes ago, to be exact.

Anna Holden: Sure I'd love to :) having fun on the couch?? Hahaha

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