6)Language Barrier

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Dedicated to AngellBeats for the awesome poster!!

"Chimes at Midnight" by The Groove


Cami's thoughts were turning to utter mush. She was wrong in thinking hair and makeup was next. The stylists were first in charge of removing access hair. Only Nikki seemed completely hair-free that no one needed to touch her. It was probably because she waxed often. She was not along with Cami, Melanie, and Britney who were forcibly held down while hot wax was dripped down their legs as they lay on their individual boards. Long strips of taped paper were coated onto their legs next. After two agonizingly painful minutes, the tape was roughly pulled from them, ripping up roots of hair embedded in their skin. Cami screamed as the horrible pain continued on both her legs, her thighs, and even the back of her legs and thighs. Next came her armpits, and even parts of her eyebrow she may have forgotten to tweeze the other day. She regretted it now given how much pain she was in.

Still, absolutely no part of this horrifically painful waxing could have prepared her for the last part of her body that had yet to be waxed. Once she found what these monstrous women were planning, she tried to run. Cami tried dive bombing off the table to avoid the pain. She only got the painful end of a taser specifically underneath her arm for trying. Cami was then roughly slammed back down on her board. She tried not to scream in agony as hot wax was placed on her for a Brazilian wax. She couldn't help herself from shrieking; it was painful for a girl who had never waxed down there before.

After the hair removal was when the raw and aching pain slowly started subsiding. All three girls who were waxed were rubbed with a strange lotion that soothed the skin. This move wasn't done out of kindness; it was done to guarantee the girls' skin wasn't red from the rawness. At least, that was the monster scolded to them.

One strange monstrous women with green-tinted skin cooed over Cami's lovely thick hair while they coated her lips with gloss and shadowed her eyes nicely. By the end of the ordeal where Cami's straight hair was now morphed into a lovely wavy display, her face was highlighted more magnificently than she ever had for even her makeup for prom. Her cheekbones were graced by a lovely blush. Her eyes were painted with smoky colors that made her green orbs pop. Her lips looked plump given the heavy lip liner and then gloss coating them. She looked magnificent while also quite emotionless. Cami wasn't sure if maybe all the feeling in her body had been morphed numb given the painful waxing or if she were in shock. Either way, she couldn't cry. No tears escaped her as she tried to remain level-headed and in search of an exit as she stood waiting for the next torture to come.

Cami had to work to ignore her fears that she was going to be raped and then killed. If she gave into that area of thinking she would be a blubbering mess. As far as she could tell, these monstrous women did not like criers. After they were all dressed and styled, Britney and Nicole were yet again threatened by a taser if they dared to cry again. Melanie was more level headed than they were, but even she had to resist crying and ruining her pretty makeup. "W-what the fuck is g-going on..." Melanie whispered in a low hiss.

"If w-we can reconnect with the guys we have a b-better chance," Cami said in a very low voice. The only two out of their current group of four who could hold a fight would be herself and Melanie. The latter kept in tip top shape playing varsity tennis throughout high school. Cami took kickboxing class courtesy of two of her older brothers being boxing nuts. Britney and Nicole would be rather useless in a fistfight, but adding Adam, Trey, and Russell would improve their odds.

"We're g-going to die Cam..." Britney said quietly, her voice sounding certain.

Cami shook her dark head, not believing this. Even though she tried to look brave, she didn't feel it. Realistically she knew their odds for survival decreased the moment they were brought to this strange underground area. Her mama always warned her of being dragged to a second location. If someone wanted to bring you to a secluded area, nothing good would happen.

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