29)A New Employee

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"Dark Horse" by Katy Perry

The next morning, Hermes was gone. No more terrible nightmares occurred for Cami, but that was hardly comforting. A small fear started to fill her. What would happen if her dreams came true and Hermes gave her back to Set? Surely the Egyptian god would kill her. The question was what horrible ways would he torture her before death!

Cami shook her head and got out of bed. There was no time for being lazy; she needed to stay prepared. Contrary to Hermes kind words and attempt to reassure her that not all immortals were wicked, Cami was still hesitant to place her trust into someone completely.

"If you are a lover of Zeus you might as well kill yourself now, human," said a musical female voice. Cami jumped out of fear. A tall and beautiful woman wearing a golden tunic now stood in the room. She had hair the color of golden corn. It cascaded down her right shoulder in soft waves. A glorious golden crown sat upon the woman's head. The girl looked no more than nineteen or twenty. It did not matter what age she was; the woman possessed powerful authority. It was the almighty glare on the beautiful woman's face that had Cami shivering. "I warn you now that I am already in a very foul mood, human. If you are a lover of the king of the gods, take those broken lamp shards and slash at your wrists now before I, Queen Hera, destroy you."

Cami's green eyes widened upon realizing that Hera walked in and assumed that she was a lover of her husbands. Based on myths and stories from old books and even comical children's books based on the Greek Gods, it was well known that Queen Hera had quite the temper when she thought you were a lover of her husbands. Knowing it polite to bow to queens, Cami got onto her knees and held out her hands in prayer. When she was a slave for Set, word among other slaves that Hera appreciated kindness and praises more than anything else. Given individuals rarely prayed to the goddess of marriage in the time of need, the Queen of the gods would most likely grant "Fairest child of Rhea I pray to you in my time of need. I am NOT your husbands mistress and I would NEVER disrespect a glorious queen like you with such a betrayal. Please, please, please have mercy on me and don't kill me for something I'm not guilty of...Please, please..."

"-Simply stating you are not a lover of my husbands would have sufficed," said Hera in interruption. She raised a pair of delicate brows to overlook Cami. "Although I do enjoy the fairest child remark. Demeter was always one to feel twas she who was fairest..." Hera became stony faced. "If you are not my husbands lover, state your business or I shall morph you into a tomato plant." Cami shook her head as she prattled off a quick explanation of Hermes having taken her back here with the promise of going home. "Stand up," Hera answered as Cami finished.

"I meant no disrespect Queen Hera, I only want to go home."

The beautiful goddess snorted. "What is quite unfortunate for you mortal is our channels of travel are being watched by the Egyptians courtesy of one or more of my idiot stepchildren. Until Hermes finds an alternate place to keep his little pet, you shall remain here. Now, what shall I do with you to ensure you will behave yourself...Morph you into a puppy, kitten...I do enjoy peacocks..."

"I c-can w-work for you," Cami interrupted eagerly. "I clean, cook, sing, play violin! I have fashion sense that you could ask my opinion or I could babysit for you...Anything!"

Hera cracked a wry smile. "The former slave is offering me herself as a servant? Interesting. What is your name, child?"

"I do not like that name," replied Hera airily.
"Er. It's short for Camilla if that makes it any better..." Cami trailed off, not wanting to infuriate yet another immortal. This woman was scaring her.

Hera beamed as she nodded approvingly. "Camilla! Perhaps after the Duchess of Cornwall. Lovely woman, simply splendid." The goddess' face lit up in instant realization. "You have just reminded me her and I have not had tea in nearly a year. Follow along, Camilla. I am a very busy goddess." She walked briskly out the door of the bedroom. The golden veil of her glorious dress flowed behind her. Cami wanted to ask how long have human members of royalty known about the Greek gods but Hera continued speaking, cutting her off. "As it so happens I am in need of a new member of my royal associates," the goddess exclaimed. "One was recently released from her duties."

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