18)The Unlikely Savior

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"Hold me down" by Halsey

"Why would you do that??" Cami questioned fearfully. Lynn's jaw was black and blue and still looked ugly even seven hours later. Still, she seemed rather pleased with herself for telling Hermes that 'Emerald' would be at the gathering tonight.

"Did you see the way he looked at you?" Lynn shot back in a powerful whisper. "He remembered you, Cami. That's why he's coming back..."

"-So? You heard what Set told him! If he even thinks about rescuing us, he'll kill his brother-"

"-You didn't see the way he looked at you," Lynn pushed. "There's something there, like...like...it's magnetic or something-"

"-He looked at me like any other guy has been looking at me while wearing this stupid body paint and thong," Cami hissed in repulsion.

"He wasn't looking at your bloody ass," Lynn snapped back, rubbing her still-sore jaw gingerly. "That one night you two were together he remembered."

"Well thank you for that marvelous evaluation Dr. Phil," Cami scowled.

The girl didn't bat an eyelash. "I don't feel insulted by that comment considering I don't know who you're referring to."

"Look..." Cami trailed off, gently rubbing her throat. She was beyond thirsty at this point. Once his party had begun, Set had put her inside a large glass case near what Cami felt was the alcohol area. She was forced to sing karaoke, oddly enough. She had to watch the words on a monitor and sing her little heart out in time to the music. She was talented at it, no one could say otherwise. Cami didn't miss a beat and even belted out harder notes of a song perfectly. Disgusting friends of Set watched the glass cage specifically enchanted by her. Sickly they mostly watched only Cami's body while the looked at her with hunger. They looked as though they wanted to touch her as much as she wanted a mere slice of bread to eat.

"He's not coming. It's been hours and he isn't coming..."

"He said he would see you tonight, he'll see you tonight," Lynn pushed with a roll of her eyes. "Don't you have any experience with boys??"

No she did not. Cami's experience included going to prom with a gay friend of hers junior year and then getting asked out by the popular Adam her senior year. Her Friday nights had often been made fun of by her family for mostly choosing to go to the movies or even baking classes with her youngest brother. She didn't date simply because no one really asked her out. While some girls had reputations for being promiscuous, Cami had a reputation for being a prude. Even after her brief relationship with Adam, Cami could tell she peeved him off by not constantly fooling around with him. Besides that problem, she couldn't say they really had a good relationship going. During the first ever really important moment, Adam threw her under the bus. Cami now had more experience of being a held-hostage slave than she did of knowing how to talk to a boy. "He's going to come, Cami," Lynn said with finality.

She soon had to leave with a large tray of appetizers to bring from the kitchens. Lynn was dressed similarly to Cami; revealing bra top and matching thong covered her along with body paint signally she belonged to Set. Closing her eyes, Cami did not look forward to yet another stupid musical number. Her throat was raw and scratchy; the thirst was probably quite literally killing her. She almost didn't want to speak at all. Seeing a large display of jugs of water by the nearby sink, Cami near sprint over to it to start taking in water. The cool and crisp liquid fluttered down her throat in strong quantities as Cami tried hard not to spill on herself as she drank from the jug. By the time Cami sucked in a breath and made sure there was no evidence she disobeyed Set, she found she was not alone in the large room. Anet was now here, a knowing smile upon her lips.

"It took me a long while, slave..." she purred slowly in her native tongue. The goddess wore a shimmery gold and royal blue studded number that went off the shoulders. Her eyes were highlighted by deep black shadows to enhance her dark eyes. "In a way, it was wrong I did not reach the conclusion sooner. You are the emerald the British slave was referencing."

Cami could not move as sudden fear flooded through her. She wasn't wrong, but this wasn't exactly something she wanted to nod her head in agreement at. "My my, what is my husband going to do once he finds his prized slave disobeyed his wishes? You do realize child he has cut off hands and feet for far less done than disobeying his command...?"

Cami did not know that, but, it didn't surprise her. She was whipped and smacked around during her duration of being here in Set's kingdom. After having her hands practically hot glued to a wall, nothing relly surprised Cami when it came down to these psychotic monsters. Anet laughed rudely even though Cami did not respond to her words. "What is it he will do when he finds out you have spread your legs to the second youngest of the Olympians...?"

"I d-did not..." Cami tried weakly in Arabic, only for the goddess to smile cruelly.

"Do not lie to me, child. I saw the knowing look you shared with the young God. I believe my darling husband will allow me to decide your death upon this treachery. Losing ones virginity after it was purchased is a crime, child. Crocodile, or beheading....Perhaps, both..." she cooed, suddenly appearing before Cami's eyes, bitch slapping her to the floor.

Knowing full well the goddess was going to take advantage of this situation by sentencing her to death, Cami did the only logical move to make when there was an abundance of guests partying just two rooms away. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Cami screamed in Greek, praying that one of the Greek gods would come and save her. "HELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!!!!!"

Anet slammed the door to the large room shut with just the swish of her hand. Cami next tried jumping up and running for safety, only for the goddess to send her roughly toppling her over to the floor with another use of telekinesis. Quaking with fear, Cami continued screaming for help until Anet finally snapped her fingers. A rather large crocodile was suddenly on the far length of the room, snapping it's powerful jaws angrily. This terrifying new sight caused Cami to start screaming in fear alone. Anet roughly kicked her to the stomach, sending Cami within only five feet of the terrifying animal that did not look like a regular animal you would find at the zoo. The crocodile was a beastly thing at least twenty-four feet in length while it looked to be inspiration for Scfy movies.

As the horrifying monster slowly crept forward – it did not seem to be able to move fast given its massive weight - Cami was suddenly scooped up from the hard floor and held in a gentle cradle by a new arrival. Shaking with fear, Cami found her rescuer was a very familiar individual, but it was not the guy she was hoping to come across tonight. Dressed in a black trench coat with a button down shirt beneath it was Kohl. His hair was slicked back completely as his eyes glinted mischievously as he watched Cami. "Hello, sweetheart. Fancy finding you here," he grinned.

At that moment, Cami wasn't sure whether it was a good or bad thing that Kohl arrived.

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