25) Death

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Dedicated to Dredge118 for the amazing gif!
"Dark Horse" by Our last night (cover)

Dedicated to Dredge118 for the amazing gif!"Dark Horse" by Our last night (cover)

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This was it.

Kohl was going to give her back to Set. Cami could feel it deep within her bones. After the murder of his second in command, Kohl became distant. He never came back to talk to her that night or even the next morning. That wasn't good. What was he waiting for...? The perfect moment to send her back to the heartless Egyptian? Perhaps his loving and caring act what just that; an act.

After Cami's shower the next afternoon, she found food was left out by a maid. Salad with vinaigrette dressing, a turkey and cheese sandwich, and bottled water with a bowl of strawberries on the side. There was no Kohl waiting nearby with sarcastic commentary or harmless flirting as he usually did upon her exiting a bathroom looking pretty and well dressed for the day. Instead, he was nowhere to be seen, which was unusual for him.

What did that mean...? Was he already planning on giving her back to Set...? Cami decided she couldn't stick around to find out. She paced the large bedroom she was kept in for over an hour without touching her food. She couldn't eat as fear slipped in that it was only a matter of time before someone came looking for her. Kohl was bad with keeping her locked away in a tower and away from the outside world, but Set was a million times worse. He was cruel, callous, and held no qualms of cutting out someone's organs while they were still breathing. Cami's thoughts transferred back to the time she was threatened with starving to death if she did not comply with starting a sexual relationship with the cruel god. In retrospect now that she thought about it, starvation was relatively kind compared to other deaths that she heard were accomplished by the ruthless Egyptian. What on earth was going to happen to her after what had happened to one of his awful wives...? Cami was doomed to death. Probably outrageous torture before death, but the ending would be the same.


Cami quickly dressed herself in boots, black jeans, a nice-fitted t-shirt and a random hooded sweatshirt. She didn't even think to bring clothes or the food with her. She needed to escape Neverland before she was brought back to Egypt. But before Cami could even think to head out the bedroom door, it opened to reveal a well-dressed Kohl. He was wearing a crisp light-blue shirt underneath a pitch-black blazer. Dress pants covered his long legs as well as fancy black loafers that looked rather expensive. His hair was slicked back in a very Donald type of way. There was not a trace of humor on his handsome face, or any sign of happiness of seeing Cami. He looked serious. Too serious for her liking.

Kol's eyes appraised her outfit choice for a moment. Cami knew he was noticing that today she wore shoes. She hadn't done such a thing in a while now. "Going somewhere...?"

"Just getting ready for the day," Cami said automatically, finding this wasn't a lie. It was true...

She couldn't tell anymore whether he was being honest or whether she was simply getting rather talented at the art of lying.

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