11)Good News, Bad News

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"Letters from the sky" by Civil Twilight

Cami allowed Apollo to bring her back without struggle. She believed him when he claimed she would be going home upon the auction. Besides that, she couldn't exactly leave her friends while they were being held captive by monsters. She needed to go back with Apollo because they all needed to escape.

There were no words exchanged between her and the god. He looked to be on the verge of wanting say something or maybe to offer some sort of reassurance, but, Cami's slight glare stopped him. She couldn't help but nurse a small grudge for knocking Hermes unconscious.

Scary enough, Apollo took on the guise of young woman who bore strong resemblance to the other girls being held captive. It was all in order to make sure no one saw the real him. He did not need to worry; no guard was in the room upon returning Cami, only the large number of young women either sleeping or sobbing.

Cami slowly and very quietly made it back to her ridiculously hard bed. By the time she looked back to where the disguised Apollo had been, he was gone. She laid herself down and tried very hard to imagine that in a few hours she would be back home with no memory of what had happened. As enthralled over that as she was, it didn't mean everything would go back to complete normalcy.

Hayden was still dead. Adam still offered her to die. Would losing her memory mean she didn't remember either of those events? Would she really not remember her friend being killed by a vampire monster or that her boyfriend offered someone the idea of killing her? She started to cry thinking about that. She didn't want to go home and realize Hayden was dead. It was no accident; he was murdered. Cami also didn't want to date a boy who – as Kohl so bluntly put it – threw her under the bus. She wanted someone who only wanted her protected and safe. As she slowly drifted off to sleep as exhaustion settled in, she imagined had the situations been reversed, Cami did not believe for a moment Hermes would have been willing to sacrifice her for himself.

Too bad she was never going to see him again.


Cami slept for maybe an hour and a half. After that, everyone was abruptly woken up and dragged down in groups. Some people kept on crying, mentally surprising Cami that they were hydrated enough to still be shedding tears. She had no more to drop. Cami wasn't sure if this was lack of liquid in her system or rather she simply gave up on crying.

She believed Apollo. He and Angel and maybe even Jack would get them out of this. Home was just around the corner, she just had to remain calm and simply keep her eyes open and her mouth shut.

When Cami was roughly ushered into a very large laboratory style of room, she lost her calmness. She wanted to bolt once she so large tables and stirrups. There were what appeared to be doctors in pure white coats as women fluttered around them with surgical masks. Cami felt lucky she was at least in Britney's group. At least then there was a single friend with her. She held hands with her Brit, feeling her pasty hand shaking with fear as it remained clasped tight with hers.

Soon enough, Cami and Britney were shoved apart as they were brought to their individual tables. The very large room held a table available for every one of the twelve girls brought into the area. Upon being strapped down to the cold metal table, it made Cami's skin crawl while wondering how many other girls had once been attached to it. Soon enough, the woman who appeared to be a nurse hovered close by with a massive clipboard and click pen in her hands.


Cami blinked. There was no way she wanted to answer any of this witch's questions. Anyone who was okay with strapping young women down to table's and keeping them hostage could go straight to hell for all she cared. The thirty-something leaned forward, a strip of her blonde hair undone from her bun fell into her face. Her blue eyes narrowed. "Take it from someone who's been in your position before, big boobs, you answer the questions otherwise your exam can be extremely painful."

Cami stared at the woman while feeling positively mortified by the nickname. The woman's voice wrapped wickedly around the name showing that it was in no way a compliment. All Cami could think about was the woman's wording. It meant she had been through being abducted as well. Cami wanted to feel pity for the woman, but sadly all she felt was disgust. "I'm eighteen," she breathed. "What kind of monster who's lived through this allows this to happen to others?" Cami was surprised given her fear she did not stutter or stumble getting her question out.

The woman did not even shift her eyes up to look at Cami as she scribbled down her age on the clipboard. "Survival of the fittest," she answered in a bored voice. "Have you now or have ever contracted a sexually transmitted disease?" The woman asked professionally.


"Have you given birth before?"

"Er, no."

The woman left no room for Cami to ponder her fast questions. "Have you been sexually active within the last three months?"

Cami rolled her eyes and bit back the scathing remark of how she wished this woman would burn in hell. "No."

"When is the last time you have engaged in sexual activity?"

Cami closed her eyes. "I never have."

"So you're claiming you're a virgin...?"

"The last I checked that's what not being sexually active meant," Cami bit back coldly. Her hands were chafing under the metal handcuffs roughness while they held her down.

The woman snorted. "Go ahead and be temperamental. The joke will be on you if you claim being a virgin before you're evaluated. They don't like liars here." Before Cami could offer a scathing remark to that, the woman started firing off the questions once more. "Have you contracted oral Herpes?"


"Are you HIV positive?"


After a few more ridiculously stupid questions regarding her body parts, that was when the horribleness actually started. Cami's underwear was ripped off as she was given a very intrusive gynecological examination. If she had any tears left she would have cried pitifully given the disgusting man that gave the exam came across as a complete pervert. He had actually smiled wickedly as he examined her. By the time it was all over with, Cami's lacy panties were thrown back at her while the handcuffs were taken off. She was cold and also overwhelmed with embarrassment. She did not need to worry about the woman watching her while she pulled up her underwear, she was busy conversing with the man in the white coat. Her eyes widened as she nodded, a light smile playing at her lips. After the man in a white coat took a shot of something and then roughly injected it into Cami's arm, she received a brief explanation that whatever minor human illness that could be lingering in her system would be flushed out with Ambrosia. There had been no time to panic over the needle given how fast it was injected into her.

The woman with the clipboard continued a furious scribbling where she was barely looking up at Cami. For a few moments after speaking with the doctor, she merely scribbled. "Good news and bad news," she soon announced. "You seem to be illness free while it is also proven that your hymen is still intact indicating you are a virgin. Congratulations, you will be among the very top of the crop for buyers today."

"What's the bad news?"

The woman smiled wickedly before shaking her head at only something she was thinking about. "Wait and see. That is the bad news."

Cami most definitely did not like the sound of that as well as the knowing laugh the woman gave.

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