10)Brothers at Odds

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"Young God" by Halsey

Cami felt an automatic connection to Hermes. She developed the very strange sensation she was meant to meet this handsome young man who probably spoke incredibly too fast. It was very bizarre, but, Cami knew that not only was this the safest she felt since being kidnapped, it was the safest she had ever felt in her entire life. She could simply tell when Hermes spoke, he was being honest with everything he said. There was no time to relish being in the safety of the young man before her; a new arrival was soon stomping into the room angrily. "HERMES!" the voice seethed, causing Cami to jump. She trembled in fear as Hermes rolled his hazel eyes upon spotting the new arrival.

"What is it, Apollo?" Hermes asked impatiently. His voice held a light groan of annoyance. Behind him was a dazzling man that hovered around six-feet tall. His hair was golden blonde and his eyes were a near electric blue. The man wore a strange toga-looking outfit that seemed a tad silly to Cami. The good-looking man was quite angry at the sight of Hermes' hand still lingering next to Cami's cheek. It was an innocent move, but still something that had the man glaring daggers at the younger-looking god. A flash of fear ignited in Cami over wondering if either of these men were going to drink her blood. She shuddered and unintentionally flinched closer to Hermes.

"What is it!? You bumbling buffoon! I FINALLY CAUGHT YOU!" The man named Apollo sneered as a ferocious looking scowl coated his handsome face. Cami momentarily gave thought over whether or not all immortals were beautiful. Perhaps not; the majority of Kohl's henchmen were nowhere near the caliber of good-looking as Hermes, Kohl, and Apollo.

"You STOLE the slaves meant to please Anubis!" Apollo accused in a near screech, causing Cami to shudder closer to Hermes out of fear.

Hermes seemed rather unaffected by the man's anger. "Eh, unclench that toga from your puckered cheeks. Seriously, you keep yellin' like that you're gonna wake all of Olympus up..."

"-We might as well. In fact, perhaps we should call upon father and announce that you my idiot brother, are trying to start a fight with the Egyptians!" Apollo growled menacingly. Cami's brows raised in surprise realizing the two were brothers. They didn't really resemble each other. Then she stupidly thought about a childhood book series based upon Greek Gods. Hermes and Apollo were in fact half-brothers...

Cami paled while realizing that she was truly in the company of Greek Gods that stem back thousands of years ago in Greek mythology. That was odd to realize.

"And I could just tell dad you tried stealing Elle away from Jack," Hermes threw in slyly. Cami had no idea who he was referring to, but, based on the widened eyes and slack-jawed Apollo, this was not something he really wished to have their father know.

"I told you that in confidence," Apollo accused with narrowed eyes.

Hermes gently rolled his shoulders. He was talking to his brother but still watching Cami as he spoke. "I'm neglecting to see your point," he replied airily.

"My point you winged-footed idiot, is that while you are spending your time playing hero, you are majorly ticking off the vast majority of the immortal world!"

This just caused Hermes to scowl. "Playing hero!?" He countered crossly. "Why big brother, that title is usually saved for you always feeling the need to entwine yourself with damsels in distress. I'm simply working to abolish immortal slavery!"

Apollo glowered at him. "And the fact that you have a gorgeous girl pressed up against you is irrelevant, I assume?"

Hermes rolled his eyes childishly. "We'll call it a perk," he said, tossing the blushing Cami a light smile. "Guards were coming in, I had to..."

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