26)Devious Mortal

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A/N Only an update 5months after my last...Better late than never, right? RIGHT...?!
Kidding, another update is coming either tonight or tomorrow. It depends on how long Chicago PD will be keeping their background actors out tonight. o,o
Happy Reading!
"Dark Horse" by Our Last Night

"If you just wait right here, I'll just-"

"-Go get the guards to fetch me...?"Cami finished Angel gruffly. "How stupid do you think I am...?" Upon following him farther inside the temple, the god exclusively brought her to a large living room area and told her to have a seat. He exclaimed he would be right back, after he went to do something. He did not specify what this something was. His lack of explanation caused Cami to become suspicious. She did not trust that Angel wasn't going to rat her out to the guards currently looking for her.

Angel looked rather awkward all of the sudden. Soon enough, he rolled his muscled shoulders. "I am not looking to make enemies with Set, young one." His ruby-red eyes shot towards the door. These words alone provided confirmation to Cami he never had any plans on helping her hide from the guards looking for her.

At this, Cami started to laugh. "So, you're afraid of him." It didn't exactly surprise her; everyone seemed to fear Set.

"It's not a matter of fear, Chiquita..." Angel had not been as quick as Cami. He had been meaning to reach a weapon she was very close to. Immediately, Cami set down her knife to grab the bow and arrow. Within a nano second she arched the bow and arrow towards his direction. Thank God -or was it Gods...?- she had attended three summers at Coach Collins archery classes. She wasn't inept with the strange weapon. For some strange moment, as soon as Cami had the bow in her hands, Angel was suddenly fearful. "Now now, you don't want to use that..."

"I'm sick of people telling me what I do or don't want," Cami murmured, directly the golden tipped arrow directly at him. A near crazed laughter escaped her full lips. Everyone here always expected something from her. She was to respect this god or that goddess, be a slave, kiss the deranged Peter Pan...No more. She was tired of being used and abused as a sick puppet to the immortals. "Do this, do that, treat the monsters nice, keep your mouth shut..." she started to laugh harder, the last few weeks of captivity finally cracking her. "I. Will. Not. Go. Back. To. Set," she snapped in a low growled, slowly saying each word to express her point. He and everyone else who wanted her to go back to Egypt could go straight to hell. Cami wasn't suicidal, but, she might have to make an exception in order to avoid Set's wrath. Death at her own hand would be better than what that monster had in store for her.

It was when Angel used teleportation to near Cami that she shot him with the golden tipped bow. Although, Cami did not see what he had been fearing. Nothing particularly gruesome happened upon her shot. The arrow hit him directly in the chest, going into his skin for only a moment before he ripped it out. Even though he was not injured, Angel now wore a look of wild panic as he turned around in a crazy fashion to avoid looking at her. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!" He howled with rage. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME?!?"

Cami did not know nor care. She tried not to quiver as she held the bow on him. She would shoot him all day with these pathetic arrows if it kept her from going back to Set and his wives. "Hit me with the lead arrow, quick!"

He wanted her to shoot him again? Her brows furrowed. "What? Why..."

Angel did not look at her as he covered his eyes with both hands. "That bow causes deep feelings of love. I will fall for the first woman I come across whether I want to or not if I'm not immediately stabbed with that damn lead arrow on your left!"

With his eyes closed, a smile crept upon Cami's face. She saw the arrow, she however, had no plans on touching it. Angel avoiding her meant he could not take her back to Set. "Do you hear me??" He snapped impatiently. "Stab me with that lead arrow NOW!"

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