12)The Monsters Toy

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I've had people ask 'who do you picture as your leads' on this particular story.  Honestly for me, that's hard to answer. I sometimes hate placing people in a cast because I feel it's better for readers to imagine them based on descriptions alone. Sometimes you can look at a Wattpad cast while shaking your head in dismay. xD
Keep in mind this means nothing, but I imagine Evan Peters as Hermes and either Bill Skarsgard or Paul Wesley as Kohl.  Both will be pictured in this update. o,o

"Enjoy the silence" by Denmark and Winter

The rest of the morning Cami fought back hunger pains along with the fear of what that horrible woman with the clipboard meant. She did not like her tone along with all of the doctor and their sinister smiles at her. There was something about being a virgin that caused these monsters to become nearly giddy with absolute delight. Cami tried to remain calm. Her stomach growled mercilessly, reminding her she had eaten nothing but a small bag of chips the other day.

"You're so lucky..." Britney eventually trailed off as she watched Cami with a longing glance. Her comment managed to pull Cami out of her hungry thoughts. She had been daydreaming about her father's homemade salsa with sea-salted tortilla chips. Her friends' words brought her back to reality. A diamond studded tiara was placed upon Cami's head along with all the other women who were virgins. Out of the one-hundred and forty rounded up in a very large area that looked to be backstage of somewhere, less than half of the group were virgins.

Cami resisted painfully slapping Britney to the face as she processed her question. Was she kidding!? Once the diamond studded tiara was placed upon her head, all the disgusting men watched her and the other virgins with desire while the girls who were not so innocent meanwhile glared at them for being given the tiara's. Wearing the crown was similar to wearing a bright neon colored sign to draw attention to herself. What part of Britney deemed this as lucky?

"It's pretty." Britney explained as Cami shot her a very appalled expression.

"Who cares!"

Britney gently shrugged with a sad expression as her bottom lip trembled. "I was just trying to make light of the situation..."

"-Well having a stupid crown on top of my head doesn't make me feel good," Cami growled, only now noticing she, Melanie, and Nicole did not have crowns. Although, according to Melanie, Nicole tried lying and saying she was a virgin until the examination proved she was most definitely not one. After that, she was punished in some unknown way that was not stated. Whatever it was that happened to Nikki, she looked as though some of the light had permanently left her eyes after she was ushered back into the room with the rest of the girls. She hadn't spoken since being returned; her blue eyes were red and puffy, her face was expressionless.

"Not everyone gets a tiara," Lynn said, yawning as she pulled her thin arms into a stretch. "It's to signify the virgins of the lot," she explained, motioning to the top of her own head. She wore an iridescent tiara similar to Cami's.

"Yeah, I got that," Cami replied bitterly. "Is there any specific reason the people watching us seem so giddy when they come across a virgin?" she asked quietly.

"Virgins are considered pure, here," Sasha announced, sounding bitter as she marched her way over, nearly pushing past other crying girls in order to stand beside Lynn. "The immortals consider a woman untouched of higher value than the ones who've whored themselves around-"

"-Who you callin' a whore??" Melanie sneered, looking like she once again wanted to bitch-slap Sasha for her bluntness.

"Oi!" Lynn cut in quietly. "She means no harm, eh? Look! She doesn't have a crown either." Her words were true. Sasha did not have a crown like the rest of the virgins did.

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