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"Up in flames" by Sam Tinnesz

"Did you think I would allow you to live...?" Set asked slowly, laughing manically.

Here she was again. Bouncing from one monster to another. Cami would have found this comical if not for how unfunny it actually was.

She wished she had died the night she was almost fed to a massive crocodile. Death would have been easier. As she looked down at the bloody and torn up limbs of her mother, father, and five brothers, she knew deep down she should never have ran from Set, she should have faced her punishment and died quietly. This was all her fault now. Innocent people she lived shouldn't have died for her decisions. A sharp voice pierced through the air immediately, startling Cami to realize more than one monster was inside this large throne room.

"You don't get to keep her...She's my slave...MINE!" Kohl growled, fresh blood was dripping down his well-carved lips before falling onto his crisp white shirt. He looked out of sorts as well as pleased to see her. There was a wicked gleam in his eye that frightened her to no end. "Tell him, Camilla, tell him. Tell him that you are mine and mine alone," he exclaimed hotly, nearly coming across as a small child calling dibs on his favorite toy.

Cami sunk down to her knees and gripped her ears as the maniacal laughter of both Set and Kohl ricocheted around the room and through her skull. She couldn't take it anymore. They were not alone; Set's wives and Kohl's men were all around as well, laughing and pointing with crazed looks in their eyes as well. A slinky black cat hissed triumphantly from the corner, while Kohl even started licking his blood-stained lips. After that, Cami realized it was her own blood on his beautiful face. The gaping wound in her neck leaking fresh blood proved that.

"I w-w-wanna g-go h-h-home..." Cami wailed, tears streaming down her face as she mentally prayed for someone to help her. Praying was coming across as particularly useless. It did not matter that Cami had always been a sweet girl who looked out for others; her prayers were never answered; only ignored.

"My pet, you are home..." someone emphasized slowly. "Look around you, I brought your family to join in on my festivities," Set crowed, motioning towards the scattered and bloody remains of Cami's fallen family. Perhaps he made a point; why she was crying her eyes out to go home when the people she desperately wanted to see were littered all around her? It was the sight of her little brother's decapitated head being approached by the massively large crocodile that caused Cami to scream in terror.


She woke up. Cami sat up in a bolt of fright. She trembled greatly as the cold sweat slipped down her shoulders and soaked through her pajama top. It coated her arms, her forehead, and even her fingertips as she shook. She always had nightmares starring Set, but they have only gotten worse lately. It's what caused her to fall asleep crying each and every night.

Tonight was no different. Her same recurring nightmare had come back to haunt her. It was the very same one that haunted her most nights nowadays. Set was always nearby, threatening or beating her. Other nights, he simply murdered her entre family in gruesome ways that came across as too theatrical. But that was Set; when he did something horrendous, he went the whole nine yards. Cami knew this much from her time spent as his precious slave. Her hands trembled as she held her forehead. She just wanted the dreams to fade away for good.

Then, Kohl started making heavy appearances in Cami's dreams since the night they first kissed. The stories of a lost boy named Peter were nothing similar to the Peter Kohl Cami was beginning to know and loathe. He was no impish boy who was happy and go-lucky with a small fairy and tons of lost boys he saved. No, this Peter was far different than what fairytale depicted them as.

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