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"Heathens" by Twenty One Pilots

I love this song. o,o

The first three days of captivity, Cami barely remembered them. Anubis had snapped his fingers and ordered random guards to escort the 'slaves' to a chamber. They were then to wait until someone named Set arrived back into town. Cami and the seven other girls were then locked in a dungeon type of area that had no windows. There was only one large door covered with bars that permitted entry or exit. There were no beds, no pillows, or even blankets. There was a decent toilet that flushed in the far corner of the room that was provided with rough toilet paper that was not comfortable to us. There was also a very small sink that looked too tiny for a five-year-old that was next to the toilet. Cami figured the only reason a toilet with indoor plumbing was provided was so that messes weren't made by using buckets that made the room smell. The Egyptians didn't want the girls dripping in feces and urine, so that was why a sink was provided.

Cami and the others were fed twice a day, though it was less than appetizing. They were fed a flimsy broth that had few vegetables floating around in it, but it mostly looked as though it were second-class food someone else had been eating before they were served it. It was cold and tasted rather plain when there were not onions inside of it.

It was very obvious the first day that something went wrong with the rescue mission. Cami at first held hope that Artemis and Jack would arrive and save the day. It was only a matter of time. She knew she was still going home, she just had to be patient.

When the second day passed by, Cami did not lose hope even though it was obvious Lynn had. Cami still tried to remain upbeat, reassuring the other girls help was coming. But after the third night, everyone was restless or simply depressed. It was becoming plenty obvious no one was still looking for them. There was never a loud struggle heard or something such outside the dungeon. Everything was silent, proving that no immortal was really around fighting for them.

The girls hadn't done anything but talk amongst themselves quietly and try to give privacy when the occasional girl had to use the toilet. Their days were boring and tragic. There was not much to talk about with the lack of escape options, and there was positively nowhere to go inside the small cell. The farthest you could walk when everyone was standing up was four steps. They were truly in a pit; they saw no sunlight or even human interaction with the exception of guards bringing broth and water twice a day.

Night eventually came that third day. The one light illuminating the dinky dungeon went dark where it would stay off for the next nine hours until what Cami assumed was morning in Egypt. That had to be where they were; Egypt. The guards wore clothing that she clearly felt marked ancient Egypt on her mind.

Cami listened that night as the six other girls beside Lynn bawled themselves to sleep in the darkness. There was nowhere to go and nowhere to lay on, so the girls piled against each other for warmth. Their backs ached as their necks hurt from the uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, but they had no other options. They either used each other's stomachs or shoulders as pillows, or they slept on the hard stone ground. "Cam, you awake?" Lynn's voice whispered after two hours of utter silence. One of the Russian girls -Malia – finally went to sleep after bawling herself silly.

"Yeah," Cami admitted in a hoarse voice, her eyes able to see nothing given the almighty darkness. That was the first time she had spoken in six hours.

"I don't think anyone's coming for us," she replied quietly. To Cami's sick dismay, she did not sound like she was near tears. Lynn sickly sounded resigned to the fact.

"You don't know that."

"I think I bloody well do. It's been three days, over seventy-two hours. There's not much do other than count, here. I think they got everyone out and they assumed we were rescued."

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