14)The Highest Bidder

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"Mercy" by Hurts

Instant happiness and relief plagued the area as more people started appearing behind Artemis. Cami recognized the old woman who 'bought' Melanie earlier, holding a bow that was golden in contrast to Artemis's dark one. Considering the two individuals shared a nod as recognition, Cami would bet her life savings that the old woman was Apollo in disguise. "Do not move," Artemis declared, nodding her head towards her brother in disguise. Very quickly, ten people disappeared within the blink of an eye as the old woman zoomed around the room touching people at random and causing them to vanish.

"Where's our friend that was bought?" Cami asked the nearby Artemis as the old woman continued making people disappear. The young woman named Artemis was busy counting as Cami questioned her.

"She is gone. Jack Frost has delivered the bought slaves back to their places of living. The thirty women and twelve men who have been rescued have been delivered back already..." Artemis trailed off once more people were soon arriving in the room. She snapped her fingers and caused not only herself but the old woman and the lurking black cat to vanish. The bodies of the dead men also disappeared. This left at least sixty girls in the room along with thirty men.

By the time at least five more henchmen arrived, they looked more than annoyed there was no one remaining inside the room to play guard-dog. "Where did ze othas go?" A man asked, his voice heavily accented. It wasn't clear as to whether he was referencing the missing guards or people.

"Who bloody good cares at the moment," a young man said, soon appearing next to the curtain. "Anubis wants a group of virgins specifically. Grab the non-skanks and let's go."

Cami tried to scream and run simultaneously before she was caught, but, she was still grabbed as a meaty hand clenched around her hair. Perhaps she should have figured she would be caught. Out of the eighty young women left, only an unlucky eight were virgins, her and Lynn included.

Cami felt her stupid tiara scratch into her head as the monster clenched her hair tighter. All at once, the small group of women was brought to a new area in the blink of an eye. How this happened, she couldn't explain. They had been roughly thrown in a group before being transported elsewhere. Cami had reached for Britney and Trey's hands simultaneously, but it didn't matter.

She was till taken with the other virgins. This time, they seemed to be in a very large auditorium. There was nothing but darkness surrounding the girls with the exception of a very large spotlight shining down on their group. One girl started bawling while the others looked around in fear. They looked too afraid to move. Lynn stood beside Cami, her eyes wide as she took in the surroundings. They all seemed to be in a large auditorium surrounded by only mirrors. There were no other people around, guards included.

Cami could see her own reflection and it spooked her for a moment. Her hair was a crazy wavy mess, her eyeliner was horribly smudged. Her skin still glittered from whatever body lotion the woman who had shaved her used. The worst part was seeing how very naked she looked by wearing only thin lacy panties and a pushup bra to showcase her bust. Some of the other girls got to wear see-through negligées with bras and underwear.  Lynn unfortunately wore a thong to showcase her behind. The young British woman watched herself in the closest mirror for a long time, cocking her head to stare at her reflection at different directions.

"Well, at least my boobs look good from this angle."

Cami released an odd and startled laugh at that comment. Her fear alone caused the awkward noise to leave her. It was nice to momentarily focus on something funny rather than think of where it was they actually were. Lynn tensed beside her as the other girls cowered closer. With the exception of the two Chinese girls who ruined their escape the other night, Cami didn't recognize anyone with them. She felt very alone without any of her friends beside her.

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