23) Diabolical

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A/N Dedicated to sweetrebel2002 for the awesome banner below!!

"Lost boy" by Ruth B
I  watched one little episode of Hemlock Grove and now I can't stop posting gifs of Bill Skarsgard. Ugh.
I'm such a sucker for blue eyes, accents, and supernatural creatures. x_x

"I already told you, I'm not going," Cami stated with absolute certainty, glaring heavily at the exuberant Kohl standing nearby.

"You will go," Kohl declared through gritted teeth. "Otherwise, I shall happily leave you here all night and you can see if any more of my men wish to use your bones as a toothpick. Savvy?"

As the glowering stare slipped from her face, Cami tried very hard to display no emotion as Kohl smiled wickedly at her. She diverted her eyes as he watched her. She wasn't really sure why she felt she could argue out of going to some stupid ball with him as his date. Simply because he did not beat her or scream at her as Set did meant nothing. Cami was still being held against her will. Each day was the same; Kohl told her to do something as a veiled threat ley behind it, then Cami complied.

Three hours ago, a maid of this very strange fortress in a rainforest left out a gorgeous black and emerald green floor-length gown with a lovely sweetheart neckline. She also left a pair of dazzling heels to go with it. She informed Cami she should bathe, and then she told her that a hair and makeup team would be back to decorate her face later on.

Cami refused to ready herself for some ridiculous dance. She was putting her foot down. It was bad enough the rest of her now-miserable life was bound to be stuck playing Kohl's blood bag; she didn't need to go to some stupid party so he could parade her around like some form of slavery arm candy.

Even though Kohl kept her fed and even clothed, Cami didn't trust him as far as she could throw the bastard. He acted as though he was kind and considerate, even after her murdering her old friend.

In all honesty, Cami inwardly felt as if Kohl rather enjoyed she had now killed someone. She couldn't help but feel in his own twisted mind, he now felt this put them on the same playing field, or that it even made them equals in some peculiar way. He was kinder towards her, and even more delicate in treating her.

Even still, Kohl did not seem at all invested in allowing Cami to leave. She was given freedom; she could walk around her very large bedroom that seemed to be a house itself along with eating and drinking as much as she desired, but she could not leave the grounds of the compound. She didn't even bother trying to leave her room anymore. Her fear was that she would eventually encounter another blood-drinking Strigoi.

Cami was permitted books, and even a vast display of DVD's and a large flat screen TV. She was disappointed to find that there was no constant display on major news networks regarding her disappearance. There wasn't any news regarding her at all. Nothing was ever shown about the cabin or the abduction, leading Cami to believe people either thought of her to be dead or just a runaway.

In the days after Hayden's death, Cami felt rather strange about wanting to return home. The thought of doing so was bittersweet. If she did, how would she even explain what happened to Hayden...? How would she talk about him with a straight face after she quite literally bashed his brains in all because he was trying to eat her? She wouldn't be able to refrain from crying her eyes out when she saw Britney or Nicole. They reminded her of Hayden and all the times they all shared the same lunch block and classes together.

It seemed like a twisted horror story whenever Cami would mentally play over the events, wondering what she could or should have done differently to prevent her old friend's death. She couldn't find a way out of what she did. She was always brought back to the same conclusion; it would have been her or him. A cruel side of Cami wickedly thought that Hayden got what he deserved. The rational side of her showed her this was all of Kohl's fault; he made Hayden into a monster.

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