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{ warning : this chapter contains drinking, swearing, and a very strong mention of rape. this is a friendly reminder that all events taking place during this chapter and this entire story in general is fictional and is no way based off any real life events. thank you, I hope you enjoy this chapter. }

|| Finally. Finally I had gotten over my writers block as I continued to write like a mad man as I leaned over the table. I was writing on a small napkin I found and while it didn't provide the most writing space it was just fine for me. But then again, almost everything was fine to me as I had finally admitted it to myself. I didn't just leave Ariel for Dory.

I was head over heels, in love with Dory. I was in love with the way she inspired me and they way she made me feel, I couldn't help but love her. She always made me feel so happy even if I had a really bad day. And I was slowly inching towards telling her this. Slowly inching towards telling her the truth of how my heart beats for her and her only and how...well, how she had changed my life in a way I thought wasn't possible. I had taken her to the aquarium about two weeks ago now and while I still hadn't kissed her cheek again, I planned to the next time I would see her.

Yet my string of thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I quickly answered it and hoped it was her.


"Hey, it's Jeremy." I frowned and put my pen down. I began to look around a little, wondering if I was about to be recruited for something. Jeremy had never sounded more concerned.

"Y-yeah, hey. What's up? Is something wrong--"

"Jesse, I don't have time to explain. I just need you to get over here." I could hear Jeremy put down the phone and yell out something. I could hear him sigh before speaking to me again. "Like, now. As in come here as quickly as you can." I quickly stuffed the napkin into my pocket and nodded. I got up and began to walk out of the coffee shop as quickly as I could without running.

"O-okay...Where are you? You're at the Lush store right?"

"No. I'm in New Jersey." I frowned some more and stopped.

"New Jersey? Jeremy, why the fuck would you be in New Jersey? You hate that place." in hind sight maybe I shouldn't have swore, but, at this point Jeremy was worrying me.

"Well, I'm at a party in New Jersey. I'm sending you the address now. You're going to need to take a train but trust me, this is urgent."

"What's wrong are you drunk or something? Do you need me to escort you? Hell, is Dory with you?"

"No, I am not drunk."

"...Is Dory with you?"

"...That's a complicated question." my eyes widened as I began to walk even faster.

... thirty minutes later

    || I could hear loud music was playing from the outside of the house. I was just outside of New York City and while I expected this party to be at Fate and Tom's house I could now easily tell that those two were far from here. And as I walked towards the house, I began to not understand why Jeremy had told me to come here. This didn't seem at all like a place where Jeremy or Dory would hang out. But as I walked into the house, this place seemed to look familiar...

I looked around. There was several sweaty bodies of people standing around and dancing. I was slightly disgusted by this as I'm not the type for dancing nor sweating. Five minutes had gone by and I still hadn't found Dory or Jeremy, so I leaned over and tapped someone on the shoulder. A man around my age turned around to look at me.

"Uh, hello, excuse me--" he gasped.

"Whoa! You're Jesse Eisenberg!" I bit my lip. Along with parties and talking to strangers, being recognized out in public was on the list of my least favorite things.

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