acknowlegements + but wait, there's MORE !!

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special thanks to

lluthxr , for being a HUGE help with editing and posting, especially that one time when you full on typed a chapter for me you bomb ass homie !!

les_chris , for also being a huge help + being supportful, loving and helpful, love you hun

and also, thank you to everyone else who read this story. I had a blast writing it and I feel like it all went by too quickly. and, I have bad news and good new for you. we'll start with the bad news.

unless I get a extremely good idea that I can't ignore, there will be no sequel to this story. I am already fully satisfied with this story and I believe there is no need to make a sequel. again, this could change, but it's unlikely. I would prefer to have one perfect story with no sequel than a perfect story with a 'eh' sequel. so please, don't ask me to write a sequel????.

also if you've been reading "200 Days with You" , I'm going to be writing two days so be excited for that I guess ;;;;;) also if you're not reading 200dwy go read it it's great it's a jesse imagines story written by les_chris (gotta get that promo lol don't kill me pls)

that's all. thank you all again !!

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