SNEAK PEEKS - Of New Novels.

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Hey guys. 

So at the moment Inside my Life 3 is unfinished and i'm not sure how many more inside my life's i will do. Maybe a 3rd and a 4th.

On the way i also have 'the middle' and i'm in the middle of that right now. Here's a sneak peek.


I walked into Harvard. I had many suitcases following me. I walked into the admission building and the men mum had hired waited outside.

"Hello how may I help you?" The lady asked.

"I'm Bella Lowe. First semester." She typed in a name. She scanned the screen.

"Bella Lowe. Ah. You are in girls A block and you have requested an extra big room and no roommate." I shook my head at that comment. Mum. She handed me a key and a huge booklet.

"Classes start on Monday." I nodded and walked out. I walked towards my bedroom. I unlocked the door and looked around. There was a huge balcony and a double bed sat in the middle. I walked in and saw a huge bathroom and a gigantic wardrobe off to the side. I walked around the corner and saw a small cut out area which I would use for the desk space.

"Just put the bags there boys." They nodded and walked out. I saw a medium tall girl with straight black hair. She was talking to a shorter girl with a blonde bob. They giggled and then the black girl looked at me and waved. I waved back and then she walked into her room. I saw lots of white and black. I closed my door and started with setting up my bed. Once I had finished that I unpacked everything else and then I changed into some more fashionable clothes. I was going to meet Alex. I scanned my new wardrobe and decided to wear an army green eyelet lace up body with a camo zip up skirt and a grey jean jacket. I chucked on some grey heels and I tied my hair in a bun. I finally added a coat of exposed and grabbed my phone and wallet I stepped out and locked my door. The girl with black hair stood there. She had the same jacket.

"Wow. I love your fashion sense!" She said. I nodded.

"Me too! That top is so on fleek!" I said. We both laughed.

'Stephanie." She said sticking out a hand. I shook it.

"Bella." I said. She smiled.

"So Bella. Where are you off too?" She asked as we walked down the hallway.

"I'm off to explore campus with my boyfriend." I said. Stephanie smiled.

"Oh me too. My boyfriend is Eldon." I smiled. "And yours?" She asked.

"Alex. We both managed to get into Harvard together. Which makes it even more special." She smiled.

"Definitely." We stepped outside.

"Well there's Eldon. So I'll catch you later. Bye." She waved.

"Bye." I said. She walked over to a tall blonde guy. Someone grabbed my shoulder. "Ah!" I said. I turned around and saw Alex. I giggled.

"Sorry to give you a fright." I laughed. "Who's that?" He asked.

"Stephanie and..."

"Eldon." Alex cut me off smiling. "He's my roommate." I smiled.

"That's so cool. Stephanie lives across from meand Eldon's her boyfriend." He smiled. He grabbed my hand. And we explored ournew home.    


In the future i have a few shorts coming up. The series will be called Dark Angels. Here's a sneek peek. 


Kaylee is an angel. But not exactly the nice type. She is a dark angel. She can conjure up any spell or wish and make it come true. But the one power she wants is the power of secrets. When she is close to finding that power nothing is stopping her. Except her grandmother. An angel of the good kind.

Will Kaylee's good angel of a grandmother keepher from unlocking the power? Or will her drive of determination and supportfrom her 2 best friends and mother persist her to do the wrong thing? 


AND FINALLY.... I have another story coming along that is reality. It is the drama's off my year 9 life. Sometimes interesting others not. And i want to continue this throughout high school. So yeah.  (This won't come out till 2017.) 

And yes i know i'm taking on many books but i'll promise i will get inside my life 3 out first after this book. (Maybe during). And then the middle. And i PROMISE after the middle there will be 'the end'. So keep an eye out.


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