Worried? PARTY!

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Alex's POV.

I knocked on Bella's door. A tall, tanned blonde opened the door.

"Hello." She said. She had a more polished accent.

"Hello. I'm here for Bella." She looked at me with the same blue eyes as Bella.

"Come in." She opened the door and I walked through. I saw a small brunette girl running around. "Nicolette slow down." The little girl stopped. "This way..."

"Alex." I said. She nodded. I walked out onto a deck.

"Over there. See that building?" I nodded. 'She's in there. If you go through that door you will go into those bleachers." I nodded.

"Thank you." I walked towards the building. I saw many horses. I slipped through the back door and sure enough there were around 5 rows of seats. I saw Bella's blonde hair flowing as she cantered a huge bay. I saw her heading towards a big water jump.

"Oh no." I whispered. She kept going towards it. "BELLA!" I yelled. She flashed her head in my direction before whipping her head back at the jump. She kicked her horse on. She jumped the massive jump and pulled the hug horse up. I ran to her.

'Are you alright?" I asked. She dismounted.

"Fine." She said bluntly.

"Why did you jump that?" I asked.

"Because you're supposed too." She said. Obviously annoyed.

"But you could've hurt yourself." I said. I was stunned why she would jump that!?

"I would've hurt myself more if you had called out any later than you had." She grabbed the reins and led the huge horse out of the building. I followed her.

"Bella." She walked into a huge stable complex.

Bella's POV.

I was frustrated but I found it cute he was worried. I trotted Barcelona on. I ran into his stall and lid the bolt shut. I started to untack her. I heard the stables doors open. I tried to keep quiet.

"Bella?" He said. I kept quiet. I kept brushing Barcelona. He walked around the stalls. Mine was last. He came over.

"Bella. I'm sorry." He said. I looked at him. Determined to keep my wall up.

"Why did you come?" I asked.

"I don't know. I think you're kind of lonely." He said. I looked at him.

"I'm not lonely. I just adjusting." I said bluntly. He looked at me.

"But you're so confident." I grabbed the bucket.

"I have to be." I said. I grabbed the tack and walked towards the tack room.

Alex's POV.

I followed Bella to this tack room.

"Why?" She shrugged.

"To make it. No one is my friend." She said. I looked at her.

"What do you mean?" She smiled slightly.

"I'm new. I don't know who to trust yet. I mean Amanda and Michelle are lovely but I need to make sure. And I'm competitive. I want to be a lawyer and nothing will stop me." I admired her perseverance. I was snapped out of my thought when her breasts pushed past me on her way out. She walked towards the doors.

"Hey Alex. You might want to leave." I nodded and left the Lowe household.

Bella's POV.

I dodged Briar and Nicolette. I stayed in my room and had a shower. I wrapped myself in my robe and found a fuchsia crepe ruffle dress from Balmain in my wardrobe. I pulled it on and did my hair in a half up, half down bun. I decided to wear black wrap heels. I did light eyeshadow with a light line of eyeliner. I added black mascara. I then added Mary Jo K to my lips before grabbing a black clutch and chucking in my lipstick and phone. I finished off my homework before walking downstairs.

"Mum I'm leaving! I'll text you tomorrow!" I called.

"Ok have fun!" I jumped in my car and drove to Alex's address. I knocked on the door and walked inside. Amanda was wearing a blue dress.

"Hey! OMG Bella that dress is beautiful!" I smiled.

"Thanks." It wasn't over crowded. There were about 50 people.

"Let's grab a drink." Amanda suggested. I nodded. I grabbed a wine.

"Where's Michelle?" I asked. Amanda shrugged.

"Probably with her tongue down Cole's throat." I laughed and took a sip. I saw Alex. For the night I drank about 5 glasses of wine. I was sober enough to realise what was going on. Everyone else was near drunk. Then my favourite song came on.

'C'mon." I dragged Amanda onto the dance floor. People were kissing and Nate pulled Amanda away. I turned around and came face to face with Alex.

"Hey Bella you came." I nodded.

"Of course." I danced away. Pretty close to him. Amanda was next to me. Then the DJ started work by Rihanna and Drake.

"OK girls find a partner and get ready to grind against him!" Alex looked at me.

"Partners?" He asked. I nodded. I danced/lap danced on him until the song was over. Amanda had her tongue down Nate's throat so I left the dance floor. Alex joined me.

"How are you enjoying it?" He asked. I nodded.

"It's good." He smiled. He looked outside.

"Come with me?" He asked. I nodded.


Where are they going aye? Let's see!


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