New Car.

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Bella's POV.

I walked to Nicole's school. She ran out to me.

"Where are we going?" I smiled.

"To Ms. Wilkins. We're going to check out the new car then I have work so you're going to stay with her." Nicole frowned.

"Money, money, money and we're out." Nicole instantly brightened up. I stopped at Ms. Wilkins. She stood by a large BMW.

"Ms. Wilkins I can't take this!" Ms. Wilkins smiled.

"You deserve it and you work hard." I looked at Nicole.

"Take it Bella! Take it!" Ms. Wilkins looked at me.

"No matter how much you want to. You can't turn this down." I hesitantly took the keys. I jumped in.

"Bella, you have work. Get changed and head there before you go anywhere." I nodded and walked inside. I made Nicole afternoon tea. I set her up for her homework and said goodbye. I jumped in my NEW car. I drove to work and parked in my allocated spot. I walked inside. My boss – Malika – who was lovely greeted me.

"Hey Bella. We're pretty quiet so you can do some homework if you want. But we'll probably blow up around 4. Also you have a free period tomorrow morning right?" I nodded.

"Sure do."

"You want some extra money can you work from 8-9." I smiled.

"I can work from 8-10." Malika smiled.

"PERFECT! You have ½ an hour before we blow up." I nodded and scurried into the back room. I closed the door and set a timer. I worked on my maths first and managed to finish that and get halfway through science before the timer went off. I left my books and stuff in my work locker and walked out. Malika was right it was filling up.

"Hey Bella." I saw Nick and Josie.

"Hey Nick, Josie. How are you guys?" They smiled.

"Good thanks you?" I smiled.

"Great." I truly loved my job. I had great friends here and I would be leaving them soon. Malika came in.

"Hey Bella good to see you're out here. Can you take register?" I nodded. I walked to the register. An old lady with a young boys smiled at me.

"How can I help you today?" I put on my best smile and looked at the pair.

"Can I please have a Flat White and a small hot chocolate?" I nodded.

"Take away or have here?"

"Have here." I smiled.

"Cool. $5 please." The lady handed me a $10 note and I changed it. I took order after order until the clock hit 5. I was transferred to waitressing. Another 2 kids came in with their mum who looked like she struggled with them. I decided to give them a biscuit on the side and with the go from Malika I took them out.

"OMG thank you. This will be there first meal all day." I smiled.

"I know how it is." The lady looked at me. Tears shining.

"You do?" I took a seat.

"I do. My sister and I well I look after her and 1 of my teachers supports what I can't." The lady smiled.

"You're a special child. I wish there were more like you." I smiled. And nodded. I wish there were more like me too.


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