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Bella's POV.

I looked at my friends.

"Who's Tahlia?" I asked. They smiled.

"Tahlia's part of our group too." I smiled.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Hawaii." Alex said.

"Wow lucky." They nodded.

"She left before you came and she's super nice she is aspiring to be a Marine Biologist." I smiled.

"No way! How cool." They nodded.

"Yeah. She should be back by the end of the week." Alex said. Cole nodded. The bell rang. I walked to English and took my seat.

"Hi everyone!" Ms. Hail said.

"Morning Miss Hail." She smiled. I love Miss Hail.

"So today we are writing persuasive speeches." I smiled. I loved speeches. "You need a topic by the end of the lesson so I want you to think about it and brainstorm some ideas. I think you need to have a personal experience link to it because it means it's something you care about." I nodded. Alex leaned over.

"Any ideas?" He asked. I shrugged.

"A few." He leaned back over and I brought out my book. I brainstormed some ideas until I had the perfect one.

I decided to start off with some statistical research. And then move onto the writing. We had 10 minutes till the bell when Miss Hail started to talk again.

"Ok everyone please line up and tell me your idea. It is due on Monday next week. No exceptions." Miss Hail said. I stood up to get in line. Alex was behind me. People pushed us so that the people up the front were practically lying on each other. Alex was behind me and I felt his dick on my butt. I looked at him and he winked. I sighed. I felt it slowly begin to rise and I almost laughed. We stood up straight still squished. I put behind my hand behind my back and grabbed it. Miss was talking to some others so I squeezed in and he grabbed my hips pushing me back. He leaned down to my ear.

"Bad girl Bella." I laughed. I squeezed it once more before letting go and stepping forward.

"Um my topic is boy's behaviour with girls." Alex snorted.

"Perfect. I like it." I stepped away and walked back to my seat.

At lunch Michelle and that were in the library.

"Want to go to the cafeteria?" Alex asked.

"Somewhere quieter would be nicer." I said. He nodded. He took me to the drama room and we sat on the seats.

"So what's your topic for English?" I asked.

"I made one up about match fixing." I nodded. "And you were being sneaky." He said pointing a finger in my direction.

"You were too!" I said in my defence. We laughed and sat down. I saw a long ball dress. I whipped it on over the top of my clothes. Alex found a prince costume.

"Hello my princess." I giggled as he bowed.

"And my prince are you worthy of my kiss?" He bowed.

"I say I am. My lady." I giggled.

"Well I grant you a kiss." He stood up and grabbed my hips. I grabbed his face and pulled him towards me for a kiss. We pulled apart and smiled.

Alex's POV.

We walked towards the law room. Ms. Callie was in there.

"Permission slips?" She asked. We handed them toher. "Thank you." I took my seat next to Bella and we filled out the requiredsheets.bUFj���ԝӓ

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