New Family.

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Bella's POV.

I drove home and saw Ms. Wilkins with Nicole. Ms. Wilkins seemed in a rush.

'Bye Bella." She ran out the door. I made us dinner and packed the last of her stuff. We sat down in my room.

"Ok Nicole tomorrow at 5 we're leaving. So I will wake you up. You get in your clothes, grab the last of your stuff and we're out. Dad is not coming home. I saw him go in some chick's house so we'll be fine." She nodded.

"Let's write." She said. I nodded and pulled out the diaries.

Dear diary 16th April 2002.

It's Tuesday night and tomorrow we'll be leaving. I will start school on Friday and hopefully make some new friends. I doubt dad will notice we're even gone. But our plans have been made final. I turned in all my homework and emptied my locker so fingers crossed they can't trace me. I have told Ms. Wilkins that I will skype the police and tell them I'm ok it they are worried or anything so everything is under control. Till tomorrow night where I hopefully will be writing from Los Angeles.


Bella. Xx.

I packed the diaries into the last box. I needed a new one. Desperately. I tucked Nicole and in and headed to bed myself.

The next morning I woke up at 4.30 and changed into my best warm clothes. I grabbed Nicole. Dad was still home. I quietly packed the boxes into the car, I grabbed my keys and some blankets before making sure Nicolette was in. I left a note for dad:

Hey dad.

I'm sorry but we had to get out. I love you so much but you obviously didn't love us. We didn't know what to do so we've left to start a new life. Me and Nicolette. We will miss you but you're better off without us.

Bella. Xx

I jumped in the car and started it. I drove quickly and I didn't look back. We were on the road to Los Angeles.

Alex's POV.

I woke up on Wednesday morning.

"Mum! I have a question." I ran downstairs. She was just about to open the door.

"Yes?" I breathed for a minute.

"Can I have a party this weekend?" Mum gave me a serious look. "And before you say no it's so I can find the one." Mum loosened. And tilted her head.

"Well your dad and I are going to Malibu for the weekend so I don't see why not." I gave her a hug. "Now I have to go. Get ready young man." I ran up the stairs.

I sat in maths bored, for ages! Tomorrow I had the whole day off to practice football. I thought about that and immediately zoned out. Oh god. Who was that girl?

Bella's POV.

I pulled into my new "Mothers" house. Briar who looked familiar stood by the door. She clasped her hands together. I stopped the car and turned to Nicole.

"Now Nicolette be polite ad don't turn her down." Nicole nodded and I looked at the house. It was huge! I jumped out and Nicole jumped out too. Briar smiled at us.

"Oh hello girls! I've missed you so much." I looked at Nicole. "I mean I missed waiting for you" I shrugged it off and gave her a hug. "Bella." She whispered in my ear. I smiled. I pulled apart and Briar gave Nicole a hug. I went around to the boot.

"Can you help us unpack?" I asked. Briar looked at me.

"Don't be silly! I have workers. Come inside for a tour." I looked at Nicole and some men come out and started to unpack the boxes. We walked inside. It was beautiful.

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