The excitment

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I heard a knock at the door of my new apartment I stumbled over a few boxes and opened it. There was a boy stood there with my phone in his hand.
"Hi I'm Cameron I just found your phone on the drive way and presumed it was yours."
"Hi I'm Ashley yeah it is, it must have fallen out my pocket when I was moving the boxes in, do u live round here?"
"Yeah, actually I live next door, maybe we can grab a coffee some time."
"Yeah that would be great I just moved here from London so I don't really know anything around here."
"I figured with your accent"
We both giggled
"Well you know where I am so you can call whenever you want to do something, and thank you I would never have lived without this!"
"Okay well I'll let you carry on un packing"
"Thanks again" I shouted as he walked down the concrete drive.
I finally finished unpacking the last box in the whole flat when I got a call from Marcus.
"Hey sis how's your new flat."
"It's amazing out here Marcus but I'm miss u so much I haven't seen you for like a month"
You maybe be thinking I'm crazy cause I just moved in today but I was house hunting for a while before I moved in
"I know you need to come and visit Zoë , Alfie, Caspar, Tanya, Jim and I are all missing you and you still need to meet Joe I can't believe you have been friends with Zoë for this long and you still haven't met Joe"
"Yeah I know"
I have been friends with Zoë since I started my channel four years ago but I've never met her brother because he was never there when I was, apparently he's a big fan and we Skype a lot but we've never physically met.
"Do you know what I might actually book a flight to come and see you next week"
" omg please do ash everyone wants to see you especially Joe"
"What is that supposed to mean"
"Do you not know?"
"Know what!!"
"Joe has a crush on you"
At this point I could feel my cheeks turn pink, the first ever time I saw joes face I knew I liked him I just never thought that he would like me.
"Are you being serious " I managed to get out
"Yeah omg don't tell me you like him too"
"Marcus stop it" I said more seriously
"Omg you do don't you, don't worry I totally ship joshley "
"Marcus stop it or I won't click this button to get the plane tickets to come and see you on Tuesday"
"Fine, fine ,I'll stop anyway I have to go now but I'm so excited to see you in only two days"
"Yeah same I'll see you soon love ya!"
"Love you too bye ash"
The line went dead and I decided it was time to go food shopping because there is currently no food in my fridge! I chuck a lot of things in my trolley and get to the till to pay.
"That's $200 please"
I put my card in the reader and paid for my shopping and headed home to put it in the fridge. After about an hour I decided to catch up on the vampire diaries and edit a video on my brand new sofa eating popcorn, when joes Skype name popped up on the screen with his silly profile picture. I quickly answered the call pausing the vampire diaries.
"Hi" joes luscious voice spoke as his face appeared on the screen
"Hey, did you wait up till 1:30 just to Skype me?"
"Yeah I haven't spoke to you in a while"
"I have some exciting news "
"What is it"
"I'm coming to England In two days so we'll be able to finally meet"
"Omg I cannot wait, you have to text me when you Land and I'll come with Marcus to the airport to pick you up!"
"Yeah definitely, well I'll let you get some sleep "
"Ha yeah thank you"
"Bye Joe"
"Bye ash"
I watch as Joes face disappears from my screen and carry on editing my video for tomorrow.

Hi this is my first fan fiction so it might not be good but I hope you liked it.

loving joe suggWhere stories live. Discover now