What next?

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I woke up to the sound of the loud birds outside. I turned next to me to see Joe lying next to me, he looked beautiful. I then looked at my phone to see it was 11:38 and I had a meeting at 1:00. I dragged my self out of bed and made some toast, after eating it I got in the shower. After my shower I got dressed into a white vest with an opened red checkered shirt and tights and shorts with some white jelly shoes. I then put my hair into 2 French braids and did my basic make-up with a nude lip. By now it was half twelve so I wrote a note to joe to tell him that I had gone to my meeting and said goodbye to the others and made my way to my meetings.
Joes POV
I woke up to find a letter from Ashley saying she had gone for a meeting. I checked my phone to see that Caspar had texted me saying that everyone had gone and that he's taking grace out tonight, typical caspar. I got up and had my shower and got dressed and started my vlog.
"Hello everyone, it's been a while, but that doesn't matter cause I'm not a daily vlogger am I? Okay so today , I have no clue what I'm actually doing but I think Ashley might be coming back tonight cause she's currently at a meeting and I really want to do lots of fun things tonight like crazy golf and bowling and the cinema and some cheeky Nando's. So I thought I'd vlog and see where the day takes us."
The rest of the day consisted of weird conversations with the boys when I realised it was 4:00 and Ashley wasn't here so I decided to ring her.
"Hello welcome to the-"
I didn't think anything of her not answering I just thought maybe she was in the shower or something so I left her too it. An hour passed and I decided I needed to ring her again, but she didn't answer.
Joe:"guys Ashley isn't answering me and I'm getting worried, so I'm going over to her flat."
Oli:"let me come with you."
We made our way to Ashley's flat shes currently renting whilst she's here. As we knocked on the door Ashley didn't answer but I could hear her in there crying.
Joe:"Ashley its me open the door."
Ash:"go away joe"
Joe:"Ashley if you don't answer in minute then I'm kicking the door down!"
Ash:"it's already open"
I walked in to see her on her corner sofa crying in a ball. I ran over to her and hugged her.
Joe:"what's wrong."
She handed me her phone, it had a picture of me kissing me ex yesterday.
Joe:"Ashley this meant nothing i swear."
Ash:"get out I don't want to look at you, and I'm going back to America."
Joe:"Ashley please don't do this I love you." Tears streamed down my face.
Ash:"I bet that's what you said to her too, just leave joe."
Oli:"joe why did you do this when you tell everyone that you love ashley?"
Joe:"not helping oli."
Joe:"fine I'm sorry ashley, I'll always love you even if you never speak to me again."
Ash:"no you're right I won't speak to you agian, because we're through here's you're key."
Joe:"ash please dont."
Ash:"i already have now go."
As I was leaving oli tapped me on the shoulder.
Oli:"I'm gonna stay here and try and talk to her okay, don't worry man."
I sped home and ran to my room avoiding contact with everyone else.
Ashleys pov
Oli stayed to comfort me but it wasnt working.
Oli:"ash i know what he did was wrong but he really loved you, he talked about you all the time that it kind of annoyed us, and hes never felt that way before, so I think you just need to think about all this."
A:"yeah ill think about it when I'm in America."
O:"well it's you're decision but dont you dare think about not visiting us, you're like a sister to me and I'm not letting you go that easily."
A:"don't worry oli I'll visit my friends of course, hes not getting in the way of that."
O:"I suppose you've already booked your flight?"
A:"yeah I leave in three days"

----------------------------------------3 days later------------------------------------------

Ash:"I'm going to miss you guys." I stood there in front of everyone (Marcus, zoë , Alfie ,Caspar ,jack ,Connor ,oli , Josh , grace and niaomi.)
We all cried as they hugged me when my flight was cslled, as they knew they definitely wasn't seeing me for a while.
Marcus:"I love you squirt"
Ash:"I love you too, marky butt butt.well then thats me guys, I'll see you all soon."

After a very long flight and I nightmare uber, I was finally home. As I opened my front door I saw the time was 2:35 am so I had to somehow get rid of jetlag so I quickly unpacked and got straight into my comfy bed.

loving joe suggWhere stories live. Discover now