Road trip

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"Mummy where are we gonna go?" Chris asked

"I don't really know yet, why don't we stay in a hotel until we find a new house!?"

"Yeah that's fine mum."

We managed to find an okay hotel.

I kept thinking about moving back to America but I can't do that because I'm not stopping the kids from seeing their dad. But I suppose a holiday won't hurt, and It is the summer holidays.

"Hey guys would you want to go on holiday just for like 2 weeks?"
Their eyes grew wide like they were gonna fall out of their heads.

"Oh my god yesssss!" Elena shouted.

"Okay well I'll find one in a few weeks!"

We got a hotel room, the kids went straight to bed. I decided to stay up and look for houses, I found a few that I liked so I managed to arrange a viewing in two days.

I hated this. But I know that it's too much I can't just forgive and forget, I've given him too many chances. We're both 33 now I would have thought that he would have opened his eyes and realised that he can't get away with anything.

He kept ringing my phone every two minutes. Something inside me was saying answer it and tell him that you want a divorce and that you're going to take that kids on holiday.

But It's too soon.

Three weeks later:

"Come on hurry up we're gonna miss that plane."

I would say these weeks have been smooth but stressful.

We finally found the perfect house and we was almost fully unpacked.

I met up with joe and we discussed what would happen from now on, the kids would stay with me all week and then they would go to him on Saturday and Sunday. He let me take them on holiday for two weeks on the condition that he gets to keep them for a week when we get back. We also decided that we would leave the divorce until next month.

This holiday was going to be great, I just want to lie in the sun and clear my mind and I know the kids need it too.

We arrived at our hotel in Orlando, but it's not exactly how I wanted it to be.

The airport was full of fans, they were holding up signs, saying

'We hope you're okay'
'Joes an idiot'

And many more like that.

I didn't know what to do, apart from put a smile on my face and take pictures with them.

Just as I thought that getting out of the airport would be fine.

There was paparazzi everywhere.
They were asking every question I never want to answer.

After a while we was in the car and had arrived at the fancy hotel.

We unlocked the door and I was surprised to see all of my favourite Americans.

Happy Tears streamed down my face as I hugged each and every one of them.


"I'm so sorry babe." Grace whispered softly.

"How did you all know that we was staying here?"

"Well we knew that the kids would want to be close to universal so we went to the closest hotel and found you!" Tyler giggled.

"So you all came to Orlando for us?"

"Well obviously and I wanted to go back to universal." Troye said.

A few hours later they all went to their own rooms and we had arranged to get up early to chill at the pool and then head to universal.

"Oh my god mum can we go on the minion ride!"

"I thought these rides were to babyish for you el!"

"I know but I changed my mind!"

"Okay come on then!"

Today has been amazing but it's making me want to move back here so bad. But I know that I can't.

After going on pretty much all the rides. We decided to go to a restaurant for some dinner.  Elena and Chris loved Tyler and it was so cute to watch them all.

As we sat down I noticed someone really familiar but I just couldn't find his name, he was really fit. 

"Oh my gosh Ashley butler!" He spoke as he walked over to the table that we was ALL sat at.

Then it clicked.

It's Cameron.

"Oh hi Cameron." I stood up and he wrapped his arms around me.
By this time everyone had turned their attention to us.

"Mummy who's this?"

"Oh Chris, Elena this is Cameron, we used to date when I lived in America. Cameron this is Christian and Elena, my kids."

"Oh hi guys are you having fun?"

"Yeah!" Christian cheered.

"So how's joe?"

"Urm it's a long story."

"Oh so I take it you're single."

"Urm yeah I am only recently though."


"I think that's you're cue to leave mate." Tyler growled as Cameron tried moving closer to me.

"Bye ash."

"Jesus Christ he's still a freak!" I exclaimed as he walked out the restaurant, which earned a few laughs.

loving joe suggWhere stories live. Discover now