The gameS

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The competition was quite easy as I was goal shooter and was much taller then my defender. Joe and the others cheered me on the whole time and told me how impressive I was.
Zoe: when Marcus told me you was good I didn't think he meant you won like every match.
Ash:well it's pretty easy when they are all tiny.
We arrive at the house and I went to get in the shower to get rid of sweat. After 5 minutes of my shower Joe comes in.
Ash:"what are you doing babe?"
Joe:"just taking a pee and maybe joining you in there"
Ash:"oh are you now?"
Joe:"hell yeah, don't forget you promised."
Ash:"yeah but two nights in a row?"
Joe:" well what can I say, you turn me on."
After joes pee he joined me in the shower and you can probably guess what happened after that. I put on  some fluffy pants and a bambi top and we all settled down on the sofa with hot chocolates and we watched the fault in our stars. We sat in couples in the big den that me zoë, tan and Niaomi made and soon enough our dominoes came which was obviously Caspar's choice.
5 days later
Joe:" I'm going to miss you babe."
Ash:"not as much as I'll miss you and don't forget I'll be coming back to London in 3 weeks so we can have even more fun." Joe stayed an extra day so we can have time to out selves and you can probably imagine what we did that whole day. j:"well i'm looking forward to that." he pulled me closer for a kiss after 40 seconds his flight was called. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. J: "don't cry baby i'll be ringing you every day and its only three weeks okay"

A:"o-okay i love you joe don't forget that." 

J:"i love you more." he pulled me in for one last kiss before he walked onto his plane. I walked back to my car, the tears still rolling down my cheek still, when my phone rang through the car it was zoe.

z:"hey ash i need you to pack a bag."

a:"what for?"

z:" i've booked you a flight and i've sent you the tickets for you to print off."

a:"what for"

z:"to come and see joe as a surprise for his birthday in a week thinking you could stay with me and alf until joe's birthday party, which is a surpise btw and i was thinking because joe loves your'e singing and i know you have all your songs i was thinking you could sing your'e the reason." (from victorius).

A:"zoe i would love that im on my way home now so when is my flight?"

Z:"4 hours"

A:"right okay well im almost home so i've got to go now thank you so much zoe see you soon."



i arrived at zoes house at like midnight and i really thought that i was going to pass out. Zoe gave me a big hug followed by alfie and we talked for a while until i went to bed.


today was the day that i was surprising joe. his manager rang him and told him that he had a meeting and that he has to dress casual. and when joe showed up i was behind the curting getting ready sing and all of r friends  were out waiting to surprise him. he walked through the door and jumped out of his skin as he saw all his friends shouting surprise he went round and hugged everybody until he got to the front of the curtin  my friend started to play the piano whilst i was sat on it singing

Joe:"wait what"

the curtain opened and i started to sing. Joe almost dropped to the floor when he saw me as i sang the lyrics.

when the song finsished i jumped off the stage and joe ran to me and gave me a massive hug almost knocking me over.

J:"i missed you so much ashley."

A:"i missed you more." i gave him a kiss and then the party began. Me and zoe went back to her house on the train to get my stuff. we then came back and dropped my stuff off. about an hour later most people had gone home and me and joe left and we ended up waking up naked.
Joe:jack , Connor, Caspar , Josh and oli and Mikey are coming to film a video soon.
Ash: okay well I have a meeting with Dom in half an hour and I need to get something before I go so I've got to set off now."
Joe: aww okay well I'll see you later babe."
He gave me a kiss and a hug and I set off to get the little bits of things I needed which was  three pregnancy test because I had been sick several times and my period ended early. When I got to the meeting we talked about new merchandise as we was bringing out a jumper, beanies and some coats and Christmas jumpers for my winter clothing range. when the meeting finished I got back home to find all the boys there.
Caspar:the hottie is home!
Connor: what I was already here
Jack: haha haha good one
Joe came up to me and gave me a kiss causing the boys to go weird like they always do.
Joe: how was your meeting babe
Ash: it was good just talking about my winter clothing range.
Jack:oooooooo la la
Joe: we're going out at 7 will you come with us?
Ash: where are you going?
Joe: the night club not far from here.
Ash:no I'll stay here but can I talk to you in private.
Joe: urm yeah okay.
I pulled joe into the next room and started what I needed to say.
Ash: joe I think I'm pregnant.

loving joe suggWhere stories live. Discover now