it wasnt my fault

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M:"joe wont mind a quick kiss will he?"

A:"I don't know why don't I ask him....JO-"
Before I could say all of Joe's name mikey was smashing his lips into mine.
It felt like it wouldn't end I had my eyes open the whole time and it was broken by joe walking in, and as he did I tried to Trag myself to joe which I succeeded in. As I ran to him I wrapped my arms around his boiling body.
J:"get out of our house."
M:"I didn't do anything she pulled me onto her!"
j:"i said, GET OUT!"

Joe opened the door as mikey sheepishly walked out.
J:"if I ever see you near my girlfriend you'll wish you'd never met me."
And with that the door slammed and joe wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.
A:" I'm just so glad you didn't believe him"
J:" I saw the state he put you in how could I believe what bull shit comes out of his mouth."
Giv:"woah wait wtf has happened."

I told everyone what happened and we then talked the night away , becoming drunker and drunker by the second and soon enough everyone had gone and I started to clear away things.
J:" dont worry about that babe we can do that tomorrow but in the meantime lets do something a little more fun."

Joe snaked his arms around my waist, lifting me up and carrying me to the bedroom. My back hit the soft mattress and joe kissed me passionately whilst taking his jeans off along with my dress and his top until we were in just our underwear. Which was soon removed. He went from my lips to my neck and down to my breast then to my stomach he then entered me. At first it was slow and steady and then he started to go faster and faster until both of us couldn't hold it in. Making each moan louder than the other. Eventually we both had no energy and we flopped down into eachothers arms.
J:"best one yet."
A:"it's the best one every time."
And with that we drifted off into a deep deep sleep.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes, knowing that joe was making them I rushed out of Bed and into the kitchen.
A:"morning gorgeous!"
J:"morning beautiful."
A:"oooooooo they look good."
J:"well obviously I made them."
A:"well you are good at pancakes."
J:"well then here you go."
He handed me a plate with my pancakes on and I began to eat. But as soon as one fork full slid down my throat it started to come back up, I rushed to the bathroom, with joe running behind me ,
And threw up into the toilet.
J:"are you okay?"
A:"urm yeah I think so, but joe did we use protection last night?"
J:"oh no....oh no.... we didnt, but it might just be hangover."
A:"I haven't been sick in like 3 years and I've been really hungover in those 3 years."
J:"well let's just pick up some tests when we go into town today, okay?"
A:"yeah alright, I'm gonna have a shower and get ready."

I had the shower and dried and curled my hair, put on some light make up which was concealer, foundation , mascara and a neud lip. I then put on a plain white t-shirt, some black ripped skinny jeans, a cameo bomber jacket and some white high top converse.

J:"okay so you've got the tests yeah?"

A:"yeah, wait do we do them in like a public toilet now or go home."

J:"good shout, urm I say do it now so we can get some lunch to celebrate."

A:"okay then."

I went into the toilet with the three tests and waited for the results, and they all came out positive.... I was pregnant.
I had thoughts gushing through my head.
What if I loose it again?
Does joe want the baby?
Will people judge me?
I came out the toilet and told joe.

J:"well, Is the most beautiful girl in the world carrying the most beautiful baby?"

A:"yep... I'm pregnant."

J:"oh my gosh that's amazing news ash."

A:"is it though? I mean I love babies but like will I loose it again and do you want the baby and what if people judge me?"

J:"ashley calm down no one's going to judge you and if they do then they'll be judging me too, because I'm the one that got you pregnant, and of course I want the baby, it will be amazing and beautiful, and we'll be amazing parents, we can get through this together okay?"

A:"okay, come on let's get some cheeky nandos, and then I say we go home and tell some people."

J:"haha I knew you wouldn't keep it in."

A:"well what can I say I just get excited easily."

We got our nandos and came home and told our close friends and family the good news, and to my surprise they were all happy for us.

A:"joe do you think we should tell the veiwers?"

J:"only if you want to."

A:"I do."

We finished filming our videos and we went off to edit them straight away, as soon as they were up people were going wild, but the best thing is that pretty much all of them were happy for us , there were a few that were mean but one of them really hurt me.

Unicorlover84: she's a slag, she doesn't deserve joe, about 4 months ago she hated him and he 'cheated' on her and now shes sleeping with him, she a slutty bitch that can't keep it in her pants, I bet joe had to cover his eyes when he was in bed with it, and when she gave him the news he probably wanted to commit suicide, I don't blame him.

I then read the replies.

Isabellesugg:  I really dont understand ppl like u, wasting your time to right this massive paragraph and then you think ppl are going to back you up, it makes me sick.

This made me happy until, I got an email from the girl who hated me.

Dear slag,
                    I know where you live and just a heads up, I think you should lock your door, it is number 32 and I'll be there when you least expect it and when I see you I'll be kicking that precious baby of yours, and then joe will be thanking me and then he'll cheat on you with me again, and then you'll cry your eyes out and try and get sympathy from your veiwers, but they all hate you like me and joe do.
Lots of love: unicornlover84

Tears poured out my eyes.

J:"ashley what's happened?"

I showed him the email.

A:"how does she know where we live and non of that is true is it?"

J:"eww no its not shes a weirdo who's jealous of you dont worry she wont hurt you."

loving joe suggWhere stories live. Discover now