Chapter 21

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Goldensky stopped and turned to face her sister.

"We're out in the forest now, tell me." Runningwish demanded. If there was something going on that was making her sister as edgy as a mouse in the open, she wanted to know about it.

"Me and Tigertooth have been meeting with Blackeye." Goldensky started. Runningwish's hair rose on her neck.

"What? Blackeye from Shadowclan? Why?" Runningwish demanded. Blackeye was a dangerous and strong warrior of Shadowclan that personally Runningwish would rather avoid. Her ears pricked and she looked back to the camp. He was part of the patrol with Thistlestar.

"Tigertooth said that we can take over Shadowclan! If we do, we can combine their warriors with ours and take control of the other clans- we can all work together under Tigertooth, Runningwish! There will be no prey shortages- no clan rivalry to hold us back!" Goldensky said. Runningwish looked at her sister like she had grown a second tail.

"That is perposturous! The clans need to be seperate- that's what makes us strong!" Runningwish argued. Goldensky bristled at her, then took a breath and calmed down.

"Goldensky, why are you listening to him? Tigertooth is a great warrior but you can't possibly believe he can actually lead all the clans. Why are you working with him?" Runningwish asked. Goldensky looked up her.

"I'm carrying his kits."

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