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Won't be home for a little. Game stuff. If I'm not back by Friday, tell Elliott we have to reschedule. I love you, lil' sis! Don't worry about your big brother, I'll be back as soon as possible~!

Hopefully Caleb doesn't get himself killed. Ah, I have to work on this plan first. I mean, he couldn't have done anything to get punished. Probably just something simple like a bunch of trips to each class or something. Something stupid probably. Who knows? I really could care less as long as my brother is safe.

"Mazie! You're actually working!" Kayla gasped sarcastically when she walked up from behind my chair. I let out a snort of amusement. Funny. Ace laughed along with her comment.

"You have to admit it was pretty clever since you just started working on it." Ace replied. I just groaned and saved my file to my flash-drive. Don't want anyone getting a hold of it. I did the fancy 'eject' thing before slipping it away in my pocket. I walked over to the rest of our little group, Kayla following along. Everyone was here except for Lucas, but he said he was busy or something.

"Hey Mazie! Come sit next to me!" Kyan patted the spot on the floor next to him. Jeremy was on the other side of the spot and nodded. I sat down between the two, while Kayla chose a spot next to Ace. Maryli just smirked at the two before glancing at me.

"So, are we going to be explained of the game plan?" She asked. I nodded. I had a good idea of what we were going to do. I mean, making it up as we go was working for now but it's probably more reliable to set down some sort of plan.

"We are first have to get one of the most important people involved, an actual member of the staff. We have to or nothing will work. Like people said, as long as it's not on school grounds. I doubt everything happens at a senior's house or other place. Come on, not all seniors, or even juniors, are smart enough to pull it off. There's always that one person who messed it up for everyone."

"Okay, so assume we automatically get someone that has connections to staff. Or at least authority over students. Then?" Maryli continued her questions. I hope I was able to answer all of these, since I was the technical leader of this group.

"Well, I think we should first focus on getting someone." I reply dryly. Wolf raised his hand excitedly and I just smiled at him. He was pretty excitable but he seemed pretty innocent. "Ah, you can speak when no one else is!"

"I have a friend who has a teacher as a parent! Her name is Elliana Hayes and she's a sophomore!" Wolf cheered. "I can bring her in next week! I think she's kinda busy with her clubs and sports." Who knew that Wolf had so many connections?

"Oh really? That would be great, Wolf! Okay, so we have our support. Then we can get on to the main plan." I grin. "Well, we get some proof for the teacher to show to the school board. Then we get the students who are hidden away that want to rebel to join us. We overpower the seniors." Now that I think about it, it's similar to Caleb's plan in the beginning...but it was for our own empowerment rather than fairness. I suppose it could've worked but I prefer to share the power with everyone. Two dictators didn't sound fun for everyone.

"What if they don't believe us?" Kayla asked. Before anyone could answer, a knock was heard at the door. I stood up and opened it to see a injured girl at the door. Her cheek was bruised and her glasses were lopsided on her head. The bottom of her eye was scratched too. She looked...really bad. She probably got involved in the game. She looked like a sophomore.

"A-Ah...are you Mazie?" She stuttered out. She brushed her blonde hair, tucking it behind her ears. She could barely keep eye contact before dropping her gaze to the floor. "I-I'm Melody...and I-I need your help. I o-overheard Lucas...and I-I want the truth. I don't want to be T-Timothy's pet anymore!"

"Yeah, I'm Mazie. Melody, you said? Come in. We have a lot to talk about with that simple information you gave us." I replied. I let her inside and closed the door. Wouldn't want anybody else dropping in. She nodded and waddled behind me to our circle. I pointed to a space besides Wolf. "You can sit there for now. I'm gonna ask you a couple questions, if you feel comfortable with answering them."

"S-Sure, I don't mind. I-I'm always interrogated w-with Timothy..." Melody replied with a nod. Wolf clasped his hands together as if he'd seen her before. Had he? Who knew. This was Wolf we were talking about. "H-Hi, Wolf..." There's our answer.

"Well, Melody. What did you mean by Timothy's pet?" I want to get straight to the point. If she also matters in this game, it could be a huge advantage along with Elliana. She gulped before softly huffing. She sat up straight, pushing her glasses up on her face.

"W-Well...Timothy a-always made me do different t-things. I was his messenger, per se. Sometimes I g-gave information...others I w-watched over others to make sure they weren't doing anything...o-occasionally I was just his p-punching bag." She replied. She seemed sincere and that was kinda depressing. She was forced into this. Melody was one of the reasons this cruel game needed to meet its end.

"That's sad. But you're now here with us!" Wolf cheered. He wrapped his arms around the girl, who let out a squeak at the sudden movement. "Mazie! Mazie! Could she join us? I bet she could help. I want to help her!" I let out a little chuckle. Wolf was so innocent sometimes.

"Of course. She's one of the people we are protecting. But since she's closely related to the games, she won't be able to pop in everyday...but that could be a good thing. We need a bunch of information. Are you willing to help?" I inform, and get a rapid nod in return.

"Y-Yes! I don't w-want to live as a pet anymore...A-According to Timothy, I'm l-lower than a freshman..." She murmured. Wolf tightened his hug, sharing a smile. It pulled one out of her. His happiness was simply contagious.

"Melody can also help with Elliana! She's her friend! Best friend to be precise!" Wolf added. Great, two birds with one stone. Melody seemed confused at his outburst but continued with it. She wrapped her own arms around the excited one.

"Well, we should probably introduce her to everyone. But after that, what are we waiting for? Let's begin to fight!"

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