Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day with a throbbing headache. I turned over in my bed grabbing my cell. I had plenty of missed calls, some from Andrea, some from Zach and some from Bizzle? It all clicked to me right then and there. The club last night.. Justin Bieber calling himself Bizzle.. I made out with Justin Bieber... My head was spinning, not only from being hungover but from all of last night coming together like a puzzle. All I could think about was the fact I kissed Justin Bieber without knowing it was him, he kept flirting with me. I quickly dialed Andrea's number.

"Have you been on twitter or instagram yet?" Andrea yelled out. My head pounded even harder from her yelling at me through the phone.

"Can you not scream right when I wake up with a hangover. No I haven't been on twitter," I rolled my eyes moving the phone away from my ear, pressing speaker phone and checking twitter.

I was tagged in a bunch of stuff, I had a crazy amount of notifications. I gained over 10k followers. I had some random DMs. I checked my mentions and that's when I saw pictures of Bizzle/Justin and I at the club making out against the wall. Fuck.. The word 'slut' kept showing up in my mentions also people telling me I ruined Justin life and relationship. Wait what the fuck? Relationship..

"Fuck.. Andrea, I gotta go," I hung up the call not waiting for an answer, I quickly called Justin. It rang 3 times before he answered.

"Hello?" His voice was super raspy, it sounded like he just woke up, but I didn't care.

"Hey, what the fuck is everyone talking about? I ruined your relationship?" I said as loud as my hangover let me talk, I forgot to mention, my voice was pretty much gone from talking so loud in the club.

"Fuck.. I- Can we talk about this in person?" He mumbled, "We can't be out in public though. People will assume more shit, we need to be somewhere private.. Want me to pick you up and come to my place?"

"Just come to mine... I'll text you my address," I hung up the call texting him my address right away.


I took a shower, had a toast with a lot of water. My headache was slowly fading but it was still there. Bizzle/Justin finally arrived. He was wearing a white t-shirt, a navy blue jacket and dark jeans with white shoes.

"Can I call you Justin now?" I questioned, checking him out. He still looked hot. I didn't find him hot last night JUST because I was drunk. He was really hot.

"Yeah.. Did you figure out by social media?" He asked.

"No.. My friend last night.. She- She told me who you were.." I mumbled opening the door wider to let him walk in.

"So you had no idea who I was?" He asked while kicked his shoes off and stepping inside.

"Not really.. I mean I know who you are but at the time it didn't really click.." I replied walking to the couch, him following behind me. I sat down, my back was against the arm rest, he sat beside me trying his best to face me and still have distance between us.

"I should have told you... Well not about me but about the girl.." Justin said, his hands were shaking a bit, I was guessing from being so nervous and stressed.

"You have a girlfriend..?" I asked in a low voice. I couldn't believe he never told me he had a girlfriend last night, he made it seem like he was single, "Don't say a bullshit answer that you thought I was your girlfriend, I know damn well that you asked for my number, and don't fucking tell me you were drunk off your ass and forgot.. That's bullshit," I spat out.

I felt disgusted, I couldn't believe he would actually flirt with me, show every sign that he's single, he made out with me and he has a fucking girlfriend. I hate unloyal people. I can't stand them.

"I feel sick.. I think you should go actually. I got the point, everyone will slut shame me, blame me since I'm the girl, you'll be the king through it all since you're the guy. I'm also the unfamous one so I'll get even more hate since I'm stealing you away from everyone," It suddenly hit me, most people will recognize me if they are hardcore Justin Bieber fans. They'll most likely hate me. This is great. Just great, "I don't know why I kissed you, I don't know why I even thought you were single to begin with."

"I'm sorry! I'm not even actually dating anyone," He passed a hand over his face rubbing his eyes, he wouldn't make eye contact with me. He kept his gaze down at his feet or at the floor, clearly he regretted it or just didn't like looking at me. One of the two.

"What do you mean?! You 'arent actually dating anyone?'" I questioned, my eyes were wide and I just couldn't believe he was acting like this was normal, I did air quotes with my hands while saying that. He was acting like it was no big deal. This was a huge issue. This was stupid. I felt like it was the end of the world, I wanted the world to swallow me whole. I knew I shouldn't have went to the club last night. Just one moment with a celebrity I didn't even recognize turned my life around for the worst.

"It's a thing.. It's a contract.. I have to date this model for a couple months and.. I can't get out of it.. I've been trying.. I've been 'dating' her for 2 months now-" He explained to me still not daring to make eye contact with me.

"You don't have to explain anything to me, we were just a club fling.. Hump and dump.. It's fine, I don't even know why you're here. You can leave, I just.. Fuck you for putting all this attention on me." 

It was safe to say I was mad. I felt like I was over reacting to a small situation, it's not like he had a crush on me. We barely even knew each other.

His jaw clenched and he unclenched it, he seemed extremely tense, "Are you fucking kidding me right now? Is that how you see what happened last night? A hump and dump? Is that why I fucking gave you my actual number? See you think your world is falling apart right now but you don't have a manager up your ass yelling at you about how 'careless' you're being. You don't have to worry about that. But honestly, if you think we were just a one night make out and leave deal, I'll go now.. So please enlighten me, tell me that again, without lying, look me in the eyes and tell me."

I looked up at him, he was really pissed. Really really pissed. I could just tell. He had his knuckles clenched into fists but I knew he wouldn't punch me or anything along those lines. He knew his limit. Well, I sure hope he did.

"I can't.. I'm just mad because people will go around calling me a slut but you'll get praised for everything good.. I didn't know your manager would be pissed.. I'm sorry.." I whispered. I tried my best to hold back the tears, I didn't want to cry infront of a celebrity stranger. He would think I'm even crazier than I already am.

"It's mostly my fault.. I'm sorry I got mad at you just then.. I just don't see what we had as just a one night thing. I wanted more and I don't mean that by sex, I mean like an actual friendship, I loved the fact that you had no idea who I was, you weren't using me or anything. If you want I can tweet something to clear it all up, or I can act like it never happened" He asked seeming to have relaxed a lot more. His hands were no longer clenched into fists, he wasn't leaning forward on the couch like earlier on, he was leaned back and seemed so much more calm. I know he was still a bit stressed and nervous but it wasn't as bad as before. 

"Don't do anything.. It'll clear up right?" I asked playing with the fabric of my t-shirt.

"Yeah.. I'll post something with the model later on with a cheesy caption, it'll help everything simmer down.."

I looked over at him, he was looking at me, I smiled a bit and he looked down at my lips, he bit his lip and looked back up at my eyes again.

"Maybe we should try out this friendship thing.." I basically whispered.

He smiled at me and came closer towards me, he leaned in and kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. Once we pulled away we both laughed a bit.

"I don't think friends kiss like that.." I said.

"Maybe we can be friends that kiss ocasionally?" He questioned raising an eyebrow at me.

"I'd like that," He leaned in once again kissing me. 

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