Chapter 15

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My phone buzzed indicating I got a text in around a minute or two after I texted Scooter. I looked down feeling my heart beating against my chest, I kind of felt like an adrenaline rush was kicking in. A part of me was praying and hoping it would be Justin but once I looked down Scooter's name was on the screen. Obviously... Why would I even think that Justin would text me? Especially the way I left and how he's acting at the party. He's clearly back to being a fucking douche bag. Everyone knows he's a douche, why did I let myself play in this trap? Why did I play this game he's playing? He isn't for me. I shouldn't waste my time on him. I tried to rid myself of these thoughts but my mind just wouldn't shut up. I looked down at my phone checking Scooter's message.

Rose, people have warned you countless amount of times that Justin wasn't and isn't your type. Romance won't change how he is.

I felt like throwing my phone far away from me. I had so much hope that Justin and I could work this out. That we could get through all of this. I was in denial about Scooter's text but deep down, I knew he was right all along. Nothing will change him unless he seeks help unless someone professional gets a chance to help him. I felt my phone buzzing over and over again and I knew I was getting a phone call. I answered without checking the caller ID assuming it would be Scooter calling me. I pressed the phone against my ear about to speak but before I could even get a word in the person on the other end was full on screaming at me.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD LEAVE THE PARTY WITH THAT ETHAN ASSHOLE! DON'T YOU THINK OF HOW I FUCKING FEEL SOMETIMES? CLEARLY NOT BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING ALWAYS ABOUT YOU! ALL THE TIME! I FUCKING HAVE SUCH STRONG FEELINGS ABOUT YOU AND YOU JUST FUCKING LEAVE! YOU'RE SUCH A SLUT!" I heard Justin's voice yell out on the phone, this wasn't the Justin I know. This was tearing me apart. It was breaking down the little self-esteem I had. I didn't know what to do. I felt like someone just punched me in the stomach, the air was just taken out of my whole body. I felt exhausted just from hearing those words leave his mouth.

"You know, I'm sick and tired of you pointing the finger at me and calling me names. How do you know he's an asshole? Look at yourself, yelling at me calling me a bitch and slut because I don't want to see YOU hoeing around, letting girls sit on your lap and shit. I do think of how you feel but sometimes it's hard to know how you feel when you're blocking me out. I just want to ask you something, do you really think all I think about is me? Did I go to this party because I wanted to? Did I stay for hours there because I wanted to? Babe, no. I went there because you wanted to. I stayed there because I wanted you to be safe. So please, call me a slut again for being in a car with a responsible guy that's taking me somewhere safe while you're out, getting drunk and high with girls all over you. Please do call me a slut again Justin." I ranted not wanting to hold all this in, I can't believe him, he's ridiculous.

He's calling me names when I should be the one mad at him. I mean it is a pretty bitch move for me to have left with Ethan, but he's also a dick for letting girls flaunt all over him and ignoring the fact that I was his damn girlfriend. He was being so judgemental and such a fucking douche bag. I didn't want to deal with him at all. I just wanted to be left alone. I regret going to the party and letting myself open up to him. If I didn't open up to him I wouldn't be here in the first place.

"Wait. What do you mean Ethan is taking you somewhere safe? Are you going to sleep with him? Fuck, are you crazy Rose? Are you really thinking about that right now?" Justin asked, I could tell he was going crazy just by the thought of me sleeping with Ethan tonight, I wanted to lie and say I was to get him scared. You need to have your man on his toes sometimes but I knew that was so wrong. That was such a 16-year-old teenage thing to do, I had to act mature, Justin wasn't the type to joke around like that even when he's like this. When he isn't Justin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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