Chapter 8

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Justin's POV

It started out as a crush, I saw a picture of her on instagram, I thought she was cute, hot, sexy, I just thought she was attractive. I looked up around me looking at the view from the balcony of my house while thinking of how it all turned out. Thinking of how this started as something small and now here we are. I never imagined that I'd even meet the girl, my standards were set so low that I just never imagined I'd be standing on my house balcony looking down and seeing her. She was sitting at the edge of the pool in her bathing suit, her was hair tied up in a pony tail. I could see that she was currently immerged in a book. I noticed that when she was reading it was like she was in a whole new world, she was gone. She had sunglasses on, she looked extremely cute. A towel was on the table with her phone beside it, I got a really bad but good idea. I went back in the house changing into a swim suit. I made my way outside, she was still sitting at the edge of the pool, I threw my towel onto the table and made as little noise as possible. She was listening to 'Cold Water' I smiled wanting to sing along but that would blow my cover. I went behind her putting my hands on her waist, she let out a small yell.

"Fucking hell Justin!" She yelled out hitting me with her book. I just laughed at how cute she was being.

I kissed her cheek a couple times, "Surprise?" I said in a question type way. I sat down behind her so she was sitting between my legs, I kissed the back of her neck a couple times, I then rested my head on her shoulder looking over at what she was reading, "is it good?" I asked pointing at the book.

"It's okay," She said shrugging, "don't push me in, I know you're thinking about it.." She turned her head to the side a bit to look at me, she was smiling and I smiled back at her. I leaned in pressing my lips against hers into a quick kiss. 

"I wasn't going to," I placed my hands on her waist again.

"Justin!" She shrieked trying to get away from me but she didnt really have anywhere to go. Before I could even push her in, she took off her sunglasses placing them beside me, she did the same with her book and she got into the pool.

"Why did you do that? That ruins the fun!" I exclaimed in a joke. She rolled her eyes at me (something she did way too often, it was probably unhealthy), I jumped in right beside her causing a huge splash.

"I hate you," She mumbled when I got back up. I swam to get beside her, she was sitting on the steps of my pool.

"Love you too," I said in a joking matter kissing her cheek, they started to get a light red colour and I smiled at the fact that I made her blush.

"So... What's going on with the contract...?" She asked playing with the waist tie strings of my bathing suit.

I looked down at her hands being dangerously close to well you know... I looked back up at her but she didn't seem to realize or notice or care. If she did notice she didn't give a fuck which made me feel some type of way. 

"I'm working things out," I answered trying to change the subject since I didn't like talking about that, "Fuck.. I gotta make a phone call about that, is it okay if I-" I started asking.

"Yeah go ahead, can you bring Esther outside before please?" She stuck out her bottom lip and I almost lost it. I smiled at how cute she was being, I leaned in kissing her quickly.

"Anything for you babe," I kissed her forehead and quickly got out of the pool going towards my towel and drying myself off quickly.

Rose's POV 

Justin brought Esther outside and went back inside to go do the phone call. I played with Esther for a bit and then got bored and thirsty so I went back into the house. I could hear Justin talking on the phone faintly.

"Yeah.. I'll get you the money soon.." I heard him say. What the fuck money was he talking about? I already told him to not spend money to break this contract to just let it end on the date it was supposed to end if it got to the point where money was involved. "I promise, I'll pay some of it tomorrow, I'm busy today.." He paused, which probably meant the other person was talking, I kept walking towards the fridge to get my drink, I got some cold water (lol), I looked down at Esther standing on her two paws begging to get picked up, I picked her up and kept listening to Justin talking even though I shouldn't.

"Yeah I'm with the girl, she has a fucking name.. Okay I get it, I'll come bright and early tomorrow morning, yes, I'll bring half of that... I can only bright half.. I know that fuck.. Half or nothing.. I'm not going to the club with her.. I know she has a name too but- See you tomorrow. Bye" I then realized that he was going to notice I heard the whole phone conversation, I heard foot steps and he went towards the door to the backyard, "Where are my girls?" He called out while opening the door, that's when he realized nobody was outside, he turned his head towards us in the kitchen.

"Hum.. I- I.." I stuttered out.

He walked towards me and Esther, he took Esther from me placing her down on the ground, he threw a toy into the family room making Esther run after it and lay on the floor in the family room chewing the toy over there. Justin then turned his attention on me, he lifted me up placing me on the kitchen island counter.

"I didn't mean for you to hear that.. How much of it did you hear? You know what don't even answer that, I'll explain everything. I don't care what you heard and what you didn't. Daddy's telling you a story.." He said.

"Justin don't call yourself that, it's gross.." I mumbled not liking the word daddy at all but Justin promised that he was going to change my mind and make me enjoy saying that word, he probably just wants a girl to call him daddy, I wasn't going to be that girl, I'm sure a lot of his beliebers call him that.

"Shh princess, let me talk," He stood between my legs looking right at me, "So.. The contract was a one year contract so it would have came to an end in 5 months. I talked with Zach and we both agreed that was too long.. Zach is slowly falling in love with her, and I'm starting to catch crazy feelings for you, so we both agreed we want the contract to end as soon as possible. I know you said no money should be involved, but hear me out.. I wanted to end it, I wanted to do anything in my possible power to end it so this is what I agreed to do. Zach is willing to help me.. Please don't be mad. Before you ask me, yes I would have told you soon.. I didn't want to keep this a secret from you.. Please don't be mad at me," He stuck his bottom lip out and gave me his 'puppy dog eyes'.

"I'm not mad at you.. I just wish you could have told me before making all these deals.. I just.. I hope it's not a lot of money.. It's just a contract.. And as long as Zach is okay with it.. I don't know.. This is all new to me.." I mumbled passing a hand over my pony tail starting to get a bit nervous and stressed.

"It's okay. Relax. I'll take care of it," Justin reassured me grabbing my hands and kissing them, he started playing with my fingers and the rings on my fingers, "These feelings I have for you is sort of new to me.. When I tell you no girl has made me feel the way you make me feel I mean it, I really do.."

"I know, I feel the same way. Imagine the situation I'm in. You're famous and I'm me.." I mumbled looking down not wanting to see how he reacted to that.

"That shouldn't matter. Me being famous doesn't change much.. Well it does but not feeling wise"

"Yeah obviously not but I mean going out and stuff is hard and I need to walk around egg shells nearly 90% of the time.."

"Tell me about it," Justin agreed rolling his eyes.

I then realized that this has been his life for basically over 8 years. I bit onto my lip and Justin smirked at that. He leaned in kissing me.

"How about we go for a swim and just act like normal people together?" He questioned smiling at me.

"Sure, and we can go out and catch pokemons after, obviously we'll have a bodyguard with us but still it's catching pokemons.." I said with a smirk.

"You know how to make me happy.." He kissed me one more time and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

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