Chapter 14

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It was strange how life could go from butterflies and happiness to the complete opposite. I felt like someone took my fairytale life and crushed it or a huge thunderstorm came into my life that was full of rainbows. I was devasted. I couldn't believe he could say he loves me and the next day do this to me. I felt like my head was pounding. I felt sick to my stomach.

3 hours before

"Let's go beautiful," Justin said grabbing my hand.

He asked me to come meet his friends at this party, he convinced me that the party was more  friends just hanging out having a couple drinks so that sold me to go. It wasn't like his usual getting drunk at the club type of party. I changed into a black dress that wasn't too short nor was it too long. I put on black heels and tied my straight hair into a pony tail.

"Okay, ready," I said joinning Justin, I did my makeup earlier on today and it didn't need any touch ups yet. I did bring a purse with some makeup in it in case I did need touch ups.

"You look gorgeous," Justin complimented kissing my cheek.

He seemed nervous but I brushed it off. We got into one of his cars and he sped off to the party.

"Babe please slow down," I said looking at how quick we were going, everything looked blurry outside and it made me extremely nervous, he slowed down putting one hand on my thigh.

"I love you," He mumbled while dropping his speed down a bit more so I could finally breathe and not feeling suffoacted and not feel like I'd die in a split second. 

"I love you too, thanks for slowing down," I grabbed his hand squeezing it.

I glanced over at him checking him out, he was wearing a black snapback, black pants, a black tank top and white shoes.

"You look good babe," I complimented since he did look good. When did he not look good? It seemed like he could effortlessly look attractive and I had to spend hours and hours in the washroom to make myself look half decent. I was jealous of his genes. 

"Thank you, you do too" He replied licking his lips and glancing over at me quickly with a smirk on his face.

He parked his car in the only spot emptied out on the drive way of the house. Cars were filling the road and I was getting nervous, Justin said it was just a couple friends.. This didn't feel like just a couple friends hanging out. 

"A-Are you sure it's just a couple friends?" I asked him starting to feel really nervous and just so stressed out.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, "Justin said brushing it off like it was no big deal, he leaned over kissing me, he pulled back and was about to kiss my cheek when he saw someone was standing at the doorway of the house watching us. He pulled completely away from me, hopping out the car, "Let's go," He did a nod with his head towards the house.

I couldn't help myself, I started feeling sick, I had a bad feeling about tonight.

"Chill out," Justin said glancing at me and rolling his eyes.

He seemed like a total different person, I hated this. The more the night went on the more I hated it and it's barely even started. 

"Are you kidding me right now Justin..?" I questioned, I tried not to be a drama queen about all this but it was stressing me out, Justin knew I didn't like parties, I hated being in crowded places, I don't get why I could understand what Justin hated and accept that but he couldn't do the same for me.

Someone ran up to Justin, I had no idea who it was.

"Lil Twist my man!" Justin yelled out.

He's never talked about him with me.. I had no idea who he was up until now.

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