Chapter 5

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"Promise you won't tell Andrea?" Zach mumbled.

We were sitting in his car, he was driving and I was in the passenger seat, crossing my fingers that he hasn't drank anything and that I won't die.

I rolled my eyes at him, "I won't tell Andrea. Why does it matter so much? Just tell me.." I was losing patience and just wanted to know how he knew Justin and why Justin would be mad at him.

"Okay.. There's two parts to this sort of.. I kind of work for Justin.. I'm like a bodyguard but lowkey.. It's hard to explain, tell him to explain it to you-" He started telling me.

"No!" I shouted, "What the fuck! Tell me! Justin wouldn't tell me, just please tell me. If you don't tell me I'm telling Andrea every thing," I wouldn't tell Andrea but I just said that so he could tell me how he was Justin's bodyguard.

"Ok.. Justin sometimes gets threats by phone, by text and call, and his crew thinks the people texting him knows what his usual everyday bodyguard look's like so they hired me as a undercover bodyguard and I go where he goes and make sure he's okay.." He mumbled not glancing at me and having all eyes on the road, "The club we went to, you, Andrea and I, Justin was there and so was I and now today.." He paused licking his lips and glancing at me, I didn't know how to react, "Justin... Uh.. Fuck.. Justin was the one that wanted me to bring you to the club.. He knows Andrea and he creeped her instagram and saw you in one of the pictures and he asked me about you.."

"Are you serious..?" I was shocked. I couldn't believe Justin was the one that wanted me to go to the club. He already somewhat knew me before I even knew him. He knew I would be there.. He wanted me there.. Did Justin actually find me attractive? Did he want me that bad? He could have any girl in the world and he wanted to meet me? He could meet any girl in the world and he forced someone to make me go to the club so he could meet me? That's insane. He could of easily DM'ed me on my instagram and asked me to go to the club but instead he told Zach to invite me or make me show up..

"I'm dead ass serious. So that's one thing, another thing is.. Andrea and I aren't really dating.." He looked at me waiting for my reply.

"W-What.. What do you mean by that?" I questioned still not believing him, it felt like my whole life was a lie.

"I mean.. Like we say we're dating and we act like a couple but I'm actually dating that girl Justin's seeing... Andrea is just a cover up to make me seem like a normal teen guy that is just randomly always with Justin when he's in this city. He has a secret body guard in nearly every city, I don't travel with him.. You can't tell the media this or anyone for that matter, Andrea doesn't even know.." Zach explained.

"She doesn't know you're dating someone else?" I yelled.

"She knows that! I just told her we're allowed to see other people while we're dating.. She doesn't know I'm dating a celebrity.."

"Doesn't she find it weird that you show up every where Justin shows up?"

"Yeah.. Still don't know how to explain that to her... I try not to bring her around when I'm working for Justin.. I- I don't know how to explain it.." Zach went on, "I just.. Please don't tell her.. Don't tell anyone.. You can tell Justin I told you but that's it.."

"I can tell him right now?" I asked grabbing my phone, unlocking it and scrolling down to Justin's contact.

"I guess.. Want me to turn around?" He asked pointing in the direction of the club.

"Not right now.." I mumbled clicking on Justin's contact name and deciding to call him.

He answered after 2 rings he seemed extremely stressed out and out of breath, "Hello?!" I heard him basically pant out.

Zach parked on the side of the road even though I told him not to stop or turn around, to just keep going and drop me off back home.

"Hello?" Justin said a bit louder this time.

"Hi! Hi.. Sorry. Yeah, hi" I answered feeling nervous all over again, I thought of the fact he was the one that wanted to meet me. He was the one that asked Zach to somehow make sure I go to the club that night while he was there. He was attracted to me before he even saw me in person.. Justin Bieber might have had a crush on me before I even knew how amazing he was..

"Where the fuck are you? I've been looking ages and texted you so many fucking times!" Justin yelled out.

"I'm with Zach.. You know him right..?" I was testing him to see if he'd lie to me.

"Yeah.. So he told you.. Come see me baby girl. I want to talk about this in person. Wait, I'll come see you. Where are you?" My heart beat quickened when he called me baby girl. My hands started to clam up from stress. He's never called me that before and if he has I don't remember. 

"I'm.. I'll meet you at mine.. Zach can drop me off there. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Where are you?" I asked him to see what time he'd be at my house.

"I'm close to your house.. I'll be there a couple minutes after you probably. See you soon babe," I instantly started smiling.

"See you soon Bizzle," I said with a huge smile on my face still, I hung up the phone and looked at Zach he just nodded at me and put his car into drive and continued the route to my house.


I walked into my house and Justin's SUV pulled in right after, it took him not even 30 seconds to hop out the car after it pulled in. He ran up to the front door and opened it himself not even knocking or anything.

"Fuck," He yelled out and jumped when he saw me standing right in front of him clearly not expecting anyone to be standing right there when he walked in. 

"I just got in," I answered laughing at his surprised face.

He put his hands on each side of my face forcing me to look at him.

"You fucking scared the shit out of me," He said his eyes wide still smiling a bit at me.

"I know, I saw you jump, I'm sorry," I looked up at him laughing a bit since I knew he wasn't talking about just now, he was talking about when I ran out of the club.

"No... I mean... Just now you did scare me but I mean-" He started explaining himself stuttering a bit.

"I know Justin, I know.." I answered smiling ear to ear.

"Zach's my bodyguard and he's dating the girl.. I should have told you" He leaned in closer towards me.

"I know.. He also told me you saw a picture of me on instagram and you-" I started saying but Justin put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't continue my sentence.

"Let's forget he ever said that," His cheeks were extremely red and he was having a hard time making eye contact with me.

"I find it cute," I complimented trying to stop myself from smiling but he was being really cute right now so it was hard not to smile.

His jaw clenched, "Don't call me cute"

"Ok sexy," I mumbled rolling my eyes.

I wrapped my arms around his neck just like how the girl was in the club, he passed a hand through my hair, he leaned in and I leaned in, we kissed and I smiled into the kiss. Justin kissed me while I was smiling and he started laughing.

"I will break that contract.. I promise.." He said, he leaned in kissing me quickly after saying that.

"You know.. I thought you were a bad boy but you're a softie.." I said with a smirk.

"Don't ever say that again," He said rolling his eyes at me, "Plus you haven't seen me in bed," He smirked and winked at me and I just rolled my eyes shoving him away from me. His bad boy side was back. 

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