Chapter 9

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Justin had an interview today to talk about purpose tour and how it went, what he liked about it and what's to come. He also had to promote cold water a bit even though it was in top charts already. I didn't understand that but he said that 'its showbiz'. I was sitting in the backroom of the interview studio staring at the screen that Justin will appear on soon. I felt hands covering my eyes, I let out a squeal, placing my hands over the hands covering my eyes. I heard a chuckle and I knew right then and there who it was.

"Justin! You need to go, you're on in like 5 seconds!" I said sounding like his manager. Sometimes he'd call me his momager because I act like a mom and a manager all at once but in reality I'm his friend that kisses him.. We weren't official yet but at least the contract was ending. He was doing meetings about that and the tour. He's a hard worker and I'm very proud of him.

"I need a kiss before I go," Justin muttered, he leaned in sticking out his bottom lip. I placed my hands on each side of his face making him lean down towards me. He had a smile on his face. I kissed him and he smiled even more after pulling away. "I gotta go," He pointed towards the screen indicating that he should be there right now.

"Yeah you should," I agreed nodding my head. He ran off while running he lift his pants up higher so they weren't sagging down. I giggled at him, he turned towards me grinning from ear to ear.

The interview started at first he was talking about cold water, his tour and then the bomb dropped. My hands got sweaty, the interviewer showed a picture of Justin and I, one a paparazzi took.

"Who's this lucky lady?" The interviewer asked pointing at the screen, clearly pointing at me.

"Oh, this is one of my really good friends. She's been there for me through a lot. Uhm... I d-don't know..." Justin stuttered. He was so nervous. He was wiping his hands on his pants, he looked down scratching the back of his neck.

"Awh cute you're getting all nervous and worked up," the interviewer commented, I cringed hating the fact they mentioned that. It just makes things ever more awkward and embarrassing why would someone do that.

Justin changed the subject talking about future songs coming out and then they stopped the interview. Justin hugged the crew helping and came back to where I was. Once he was near me he sat next to me hugging me and hiding his face basically against my neck.

"That was horrible. It was so awkward I didn't know what to say.. Oh my god... I hated that. I hate interviews.." He said against my neck, his lips touching my neck from time to time.

"It was fine babe, I thought you did a really good job," I complimented, I think Justin was too hard on himself most times. He would pick on the smallest of problems and make them seem much bigger than they really are in his head.

"You think so? I didn't know what to say when they brought you up, I just.. I don't know baby..." I felt so useless I didn't know what to tell him.

"I think it was great stop being so hard on yourself.." After I said that he kissed my neck a couple times.

"I'm going to the studio later. I want you to be there so can you come?" He asked while pulling away from me, he stood up and held his hands out for me. I took them and he helped me up.

"Yeah, I'll come," I agreed walking with him to his changing room.

He got changed into a blue tank top, white shorts with a pattern on them and white shoes.

"You look good," I complimented.

"Thanks princess. You look good too," I smiled and kissed him. I will never get bored or tired of kissing him.

We made our way outside to get to the SUV, a crowd of paparazzi was outside mobbing us, what's new. They were all yelling questions at us. Justin just looked down. He was holding my hand and making his way through the crowd. One of Justin's bodyguard's was in front of Justin, I was behind Justin, I was holding his hand with one hand and my other hand was holding onto the back of his shirt. Justin kissed my hand which made the pap lose their shit. Once we got to the SUV Justin let me go in first, he stuck his middle finger up at the pap and got in the car sitting beside me.

"You okay?" He asked, a look of worry clearly on his face.

"Yeah. That hand kiss wasn't a good idea Justin.." I commented knowing he'll get in trouble for that as soon as Scooter hears about it.

"Did they push you?" Justin asked ignoring what I said.

"Obviously they did but I'm alive, no scrap on this pretty face," I said as a joke referring to one of his instagram captions.

"Shut up.." Justin glared at me in a joking way, a blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"Awh Justin is getting nervous," I said imitating the interviewer.

"I swear I will kick you out of this SUV," He smirked pointing at the car door, outside there was more and more people crowding around Justin's car, "sometimes I forget what life is like not being mobbed all the time.. I forget what it's like being normal.." I didn't know what to answer since I knew Justin could get overwhelmed easily from his life. I felt so useless. I grabbed his hand rubbing my thumb from side to side trying to soothe him.

"You're doing a great job," I told him trying my best to calm him.

"It's hard having all eyes on me all the time.. I don't know why you're still here with me, your putting your life out there. You.. You won't have freedom anymore.." He wouldn't even meet my gaze.

"Justin.. I'm doing this because I want to. Nothing will change. I'm here and you can't do anything about it,"

"I wouldn't change it for the world.." He leaned in to kiss me but his phone rang ruining the moment. Justin rolled his eyes, he still leaned in giving me a quick kiss, once we broke apart he grabbed his phone checking the caller. He smirked showing me Scooter's name.

"You're in trouble," I said sounding like a 11 year old kid in class that's heard someone being called by the principal.

He laughed answering the phone call, he put it on speaker phone so I could hear the conversation too.

"Hey Scooter!" Justin said sounding like a kid thats been caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

"Justin.. We talked about this... You can't do stuff like what you did today," Scooter was like Justin's second dad. Before I met him and talked with him I always thought he was too hard on Justin but in reality he was pretty chill. He had his moments but Justin and his bond was unique. They're really close.

"I'm sorry. I can't help myself when I'm around her," Justin looked at me with a cheesy smile, "I'm with her now and you're on speaker phone."

"Hi Rose! Alright, Rose try and keep Justin on his feet, make sure there is not a lot of public affection in public.. As little as possible please. It just makes the job much harder. Wait for the contract to end then public affection is free. Do whatever you want," Justin smirked after hearing Scooter say that.

"Whatever we want huh?" Justin joked with a playful tone in his voice.

"Okay Justin.. Keep it for the bedroom. I'll see you love birds later, keep him on his toes Y/N, please!" Scooter sounded desperate and I felt bad for him.

"I will! I'll try my best," I reassured.

"Alright bye Scooter!" Justin hung up the phone call grinning at me.

"I'm keeping you on your toes Bieber," After saying that Justin picked me up placing me on his laps.

"Oh but baby I think I'm keeping you on your toes," He wiggled his eyes brows at me, he placed his hands on my back through my shirt. He dragged his hand up and down my back. I leaned in kissing him.

"We're both keeping each other on our toes.." I said out of breath.

"I think I'm in the lead though.." He said kissing my neck.

"Whatever you say Bieber, whatever you say.." He laughed at me shaking his head.


A/N : 

I didn't proof read im sorry. I'd do it now but its my bday and im tipsy so enjoy 

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