Chapter 7

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Justin and I ended up getting McDonalds after our club session last night, he kept talking about how he would 'be loving it if he could have another treat'. I just told him he could go back to McDonalds to get himself another treat. We ended up cuddling watching a movie and Justin fell asleep, I fell asleep shortly after he did. When I woke up this morning Justin wasn't beside me, I was still wearing the dress from the club. I got up going to Justin's closet, I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt he has, one of his owns. Yes Justin had his own merch, he had loads of his own merch, he probably had months worth of his merch. He was the biggest Belieber I knew. I went back in his room with the clothes deciding to just change in there. I shut the door not bothering to check where Justin was. Esther was on the bed wagging her tail and looking up at me. I laid beside her on the bed petting her for a bit and then snapped out of it and took off my dress. Right when I finished taking my dress off the door burst open.

"FUCK!" I yelled out grabbing all the clothes I had with me covering myself.

"Oh my god!" Justin said turning around quickly, "Fuck, you know theres a lock on this door?" Justin asked laughing a bit.

"Fuck off.. I know that.. I got distracted by Esther.." I muttured quickly putting on Justin's clothes, "I'm borrowing your clothes.." I commented.

"Yeah.. It's cool.. Are you done?" He asked glancing back towards me.

I just noticed that he was shirtless, only wearing boxers.. Fuck.. Sure I've seen pictures of him like this everywhere but seeing it in person is even better. It took me off guard and I sort of lost my balance, don't ask me how I just did. I stumbled back and fell onto the bed.

"You okay?" Justin asked laughing at me, he knew this happened because of his attire.

"Yes, I meant to do that.. Your bed is sort of comfortable" I said playing with Esther.

"Well you could be in my bed more often," After he said that I looked over at him, he winked at me and I just shook my head not believing how much of a fuckboy he can be sometimes.

"Where are your clothes," I pointed out the fact that he was basically naked..

"Ah, yeah I was coming up here to get some and I wanted to check on you and... Here we are.. Why is this intimadating you?" He stepped closer towards me. He grabbed my hands forcing me to sit up. He then lifted me up, his hands on my butt, my legs wrapped around his waist. My arms went around his neck.

"It's not intimidating me.." I said softly. I placed one hand on his chest tracing his cross tattoo, he sucked in his breath.

"C-Can you stop.." He stuttered glancing down, I laughed but didn't stop, since he was a major tease yesterday it's my turn to be one today, "Rose, seriously stop.. Please.." He pleaded. My hands went down to his abs, I traced those. "Oh my god." Justin let out his voice shaking a bit. His head went back a bit. He backed up so he was sitting on the bed, I was sitting on his lap, my hands were still on his abs, I went down to his vline letting my fingers trail down that, I hooked my finger on the strap of his boxers, I lifted up the strap with my index finger and let go of it letting it snap back. My hand went down a bit lower but before getting to where he wanted me to be I stood up getting off his lap and threw a pair of pants at him.

"What the fuck?" Justin spat out his eyes wide, "You can't do that.." He said, he seemed overwhelmed, he rubbed his face with his hand and brought his hand to his non existant hair, "Oh my god.." He let out.

"Put some pants on Bieber," I spoke I smirked at him, I could tell he was turned on, it was quite obvious.. I looked over at Esther and motioned for her to come with me, she ran towards me, "Good girl" I said patting her head.

"You aren't a good girl," Justin said pointing at me and shaking his head, "Fuck that was... I can't explain. I'm getting you back for that.." He mumbled while putting the pants on.

I made my way to the family room before I could sit on the couch Justin wrapped his arms around me from behind. He started kissing my neck and sucking there too, leaving a beautiful mark tomorrow that's for sure.

"J-Justin.." I moaned out not meaning to but it was too late now..

"Mmm... What was that?" Justin said pulling away from my neck and moving to my jaw kissing me there too and kissing my cheek. I turned around and saw him shirtless but with sweatpants on. He was smirking, he checked me out up and down, "You look sexy in my clothes.." He complimented.

"Thanks, you look sexy in your clothes too," I replied laughing at myself.

"You'd look sexier with no clothes but I can work with what I have. Also I think I look real sexy with no clothes on," He winked at me and moved around me sitting on the couch, he grabbed my waist and pulled me on to his lap.  He is such a fuck boy.

"How do you know how I look with no clothes on?" I asked sitting side ways on his lap so I could still see him.

"I looked when you were changing," He said smiling at himself. He looked like a proud dad which just made me laugh, he's such a loser.

"Oh my god... That's not fair," I commented hitting him, "plus I still had clothes on.."

"It's fair because I was shirtless and in boxers, I don't know why you freaked out, we're on the same page now.. Almost.. You saw my nipples and I didn't see yours so see you've seen more of me than I've seen of you," He ranted still smiling like a proud dad.

"Whatever," I said rolling my eyes at his lame explanation and not really caring anymore, also I didn't feel like talking about this with him, it got me way to nervous.

"You're face is red," He commented poking my cheek.

"As red as it was when you got sunburnt that one time?" I asked.

"You know what?" He said looking at me, he leaned in kissing me, we started making out, I turned around not breaking the kiss so I was completely facing him still sitting on his lap, he passed a hand through my hair, he then rested one hand on the small of my back, and another hand on my thigh. I was the one to break the kiss, I did like he usually did to me, I went down to his jaw kissing there and going down to his neck, sucking a bit to try and leave a mark since he's left so many on me.

"Fuck me.." He let out.

I smiled at how I made him react. I did that and I couldn't believe it. Justin got turned on because of ME. I pulled away and did like early today, placed my hands on his chest dragging them down slowly. Justin's breathing was starting to become irregular, I laughed and he just glared at me.

"I swear if you do like earlier on I'm fucking out of here," He answered he was breathing heavily, I could see his chest rising and falling. I just smirked at him kissing his chest and making my way down. I looked up at him, his head was leaned back and his eyes were closed. I made my way up again kissing him, he instantly kissed back, "You really make me feel so many different types of ways.." He muttured.

"You make me feel so many different types of ways too," I replied kissing him one more time. He hugged me against him and put his hands on my back under my shirt.

"I get it if you want to stop here," He answered kissing my cheek.

"It's not that I want to, it's just.. I don't want to take things too far too quickly," I answered tracing his chest tattoo.

"Mmm.." He answered nodding his head, "Did you want to watch a movie..? I need something to kind of get myself in control.." He asked chuckling a bit.

"Think of the fact your grandparents had sex once.."

"Oh my god Rose!" He said shaking his head at me, "Oh my god.." He mumbled. He grabbed the remote turning the tv on, I sat beside him resting my head on his shoulder, "I hate you for that.. That's disturbing.."

"It did the trick though.." I replied glancing down and back up at him.

"Yeah but.. Fuck.. My god.." I just laughed at his reaction and grabbed the remote to pick a movie we could watch, he wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head. I smiled and thought to myself that even though he acted like a fuckboy he still knew his limit and I loved that about him.

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