Chapter 3

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Justin's POV

Its been 3 days since I was at the club and met Rose. Scooter was so mad at me when he saw all the pictures of her and I making out. I didn't mean for it to happen. I didn't mean for the photos to leak everywhere. I didn't even know there was paparazzi taking pictures, or fans. I was just having too much fun. I was living the life of not caring about people watching my every move. Rose made me forget that I was famous and had people noting down every single thing I do.

 Today was the day I was taking Rose out on a proper date. I was going to take her to a restuarant and then go to a beach to watch the sunset. I was quite nervous because I was stressed that I'd get in shit by Scooter. I already told him what I was doing so he had a heads up. I was waiting in the car for her tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. There was already a couple paps outside taking pictures. I was debating on texting her again but I decided against it. Even more paps showed up, they were keeping their distance a little bit but I was worried as to how she would react to it. I saw her running out of her house. She was wearing a cute dress. I felt underdressed now. I was just wearing a black button up shirt, some of the top buttons weren't buttoned up, there was tiny white dots on it, I had black pants on. I felt extremely underdressed.

"Hey beautiful," I greeted when she came into my car.

"Hey," She said out of breath sitting in the passenger seat bucking up and glancing around at all the paps surronding us, it then clicked to me, she wasn't used to this at all so this may seem like a lot of paps but to me this is nothing because I'm so used to it.. 

She was shaking a bit. I felt worried. Was it something I said? Or something I did?

"You alright?" I decided to ask. I put a hand on her thigh trying to reassure her, I moved my thumb from side to side on her leg.

"Yeah.. A guy outside was just annoying, It's fine.." She mumbled placing her hand ontop of mine.

"Fuck.. I'm so sorry.." The pap kept taking pictures. I covered my face with one hand and my other hand was on the steering wheel. I stuck my middle finger out with the hand covering my face, I sped out of the driveway.

"Babe, relax.." Rose said grabbing onto my hand.

"I fucking hate them," I said. I was so pissed, I can't believe paparazzi. They have no lives whatsoever their life is following celebrities around and pissing us off to get a react out of us and make a crazy amount of money.

Rose raised our hands up to her lips kissing my hand clearly trying to calm me down with affection. 

"You're so tense," She said rubbing my arm up and down.

"I'm pissed, not at you, at the pap," I said taking deep breaths trying to be calmer, I couldn't believe this was our first date and it was already ruined because of a stupid irrevalant paparazzi. 

"Let's talk about something else, how's the music coming along?" After she said that a smile spread on my face, I loved talking about music and she knew that.


While we were eating I decided to text my security guard to ask him if he could come since I noticed outside lots of people were waiting for me to finish, I also texted him asking if he can bring even more security and a driver, I'd pick up my car some other day, or someone else could pick it up for me tonight. I glanced up at Rose noticing she was done her meal, I already paid so when we were both done we could leave as soon as possible. I called Mikey to see if he was here already. He answered right away saying he was coming in and he had 3 other guys with him. Mikey came to our side. 

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