Things Can Change Fastly

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Troye went home this morning, but he'll be over in a little bit to pick me up. We're going to go watch The Fault In Our Stars. I cant wait. I put on some  dark blue skinny jeans with a black stopped white t-shirts and some white converse. I just finished watering my plants when Troye walked through the front door. "You look fantastic" he complimented. "You're not so bad yourself" I shot back. He wore black skinny jeans and a TRXYE jumper, with black converse. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded, grabbing my jacket before walking out the door. Once we starting riding down the road, we jammed out to some music. Wild came on and Troye changed the station. "No turn it back" I whined. He shook his head no. "Please" I begged. "Fine" he groaned as he turned the station back. I sang along to every lyric, earning a smile from Troye every now and then.

Once we reached the theater, Troue paid for our tickets and we went in. We grabbed a popcorn and some drinks, then went and watched the movie.


Let me tell you, I cried. I spent a lot of the movie, snuggling and kissing Troye. We were walking outside, when I gotta text from Tyler.

Tyler🌈: Let's go clubbinggg

"Tyler wants to know if we wanna go clubbing" I said lacing my fingers through his hand. "Sure, its only eight. Why not?" He said kissing my cheek. "Okay I'll text him" I said getting in the car.

Connor☀: Sure, but where?

*Da* *Ding*

Tyler🌈: Strobe lights

Connor☀: Okay, see ya there

I put my phone down on my lap. "He said he's going to Strobe light" I told Troye. "Okay, let's go" he replied.

Once we got there, it was packed and filled with drunk gay guys and a few curious girls. I looked around and found Tyler sitting in a with with Joey and Daniel. "Oh, hey!" He yelled standing up to give both me and Troye a hug. "Hey", we both replied. We sat down and started talking and taking shots. That's where things got blurry.


I'm sitting at the bar, when Troyes come up to me. "There you are" he said poking me in the chest. I was drunk by this point, but Troye was flat out wasted. "You're cute" I said poking him back. "Gimme a kisss cutieee" I slurred. We both had a sloppy make out session, until Tyler pulled me away to dance.


After dancing with Tyler for a while, I went to find Troye. I didn't see him anywhere. I went to the bathroom to take a leak and heard moaning coming out of an open stall. I walked over and peaked in, just to see a man kissing all over Troye's shirtless body. I froze, my heartbreaking at the sight. It wasn't until I started letting out huge jarring sobs, that Troye noticed me. He pushed the man off of him an started to cone towards me. "Con, I'm sor-" I cut him off by running out of the bathroom. I found Tyler and tackled him with a bear hug. I sobbed in his shoulder, he's not very drink surprisingly. "ConDaBon, what's wrong?" He asked looking at my tear stained face. "T-take m-me to y-your place p-please" I begged, still sobbing. "Okay okay, let's go" he said leading me to his car. We were crossing the road, when I heard yelling and saw a bright light. That's all I remember.

Hey guys, don't kill me for the cliffhanger, just bare with me.
I know this is a short chapter, but I'm really tired rn and wanna sleep. I'll make it up to you guys tommorow. I hope you guys like this chapter. Until next time, byeee.

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