Raining On My Parade.

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Troye's POV:

I was scrolling though twitter, when I heard Tyler say 'Simon'. He was talking to Dan and I guess he didn't realize how loud he was talking. Did Connor hear? I looked over to see Connor. He started hyperventilating and shaking. He's having panic attack. I through my phone down and quickly went to him. He was crying and yelling my name, as he cradled his knees. I quickly sat beside him, putting a hand on each side of his face. "Shhh, Connie its okay. I'm here" I said trying to sound comforting. "I'll go get a glass of water and a wash cloth" Tyler said rushing towards the kitchen, while everyone else just kinda stared, not knowing what to do. "Connah open your eyes, look at my baby" I spoke gently pulling him into my lap. He opened his eyes and they st all across the room until they met with mine. His face filled with fear and sadness. He gave me a look of helplessness before bury his face into my chest,  sobbing. He was no longer having a panic attack, just the aftermath of one. Tyler came and put a glass of water and a damp wash cloth beside me, before explaining what happened. I let Connor sob I to my shirt until he finally started to calm down.... Soon enough he fell asleep. I know I'm not all muscly and stuff, but I at least have to try to carry him to his bed. Our bed. I slowly stood up, cradling him on my arms. He's surprisingly light, so I didn't have to much trouble carrying him. I laid him down and covered him up, before kissing his forehead and walking back to the others. "Is he okay" Tyler said, speaking for the rest. "Yeah, he's asleep right now but I think we should reschedule" I explained. "Okay understood" he replied.
I sat on the couch saying my goodbyes as one-by-one walked out of the door. "Tell him I'm so sorry and that I love him. Its not the first time I've caused him to have a panic attack, just make sure he stays calm and hydrated. I'm so so sorry, I'll be by tomorrow to check on him" Tyler said before walking out of the door. I walked back to the besrrom and crawled in bed with Connor, letting sleep overcome me.

Please do not kill me, but this story is gonna go on hold for a little while. Not long, just long enough for this writers block to pass. I love it, but I have no ideas for it anymore. I've been working on a new fanfic though, go read 'Save Me From Myself' that's where I'll release the title. As I said please don't be mad or anything. I'm going through a lot of bs and stuff. I just feel like I moved at a really fast pace with this story, so I might re-right it again. If I do the story line will be very similar, just written at a slower pace. I hope you guys understand. Until next time byeee.

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