To Say I Love You

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I have been dating Troye for about three months now. We have our ups and downs, but that's to be expected. I'm laying in bed looking at him peacefully sleeping on my chest. So beautiful. I began to play with his curls as he stirred in his sleep. I watched as he peaked his eyes open and a smile grew on his face. "You're a very pretty boy Connie" he said poking my chest. "You're prettier" I retorted. "I know" he said, making me punch him in the arm. "Okay okay, I was kidding" he said causing us to laugh. He started coughing to the point Hus face git flushed and he was left gasping for air. "You okay baby boy?" I asked rubbing his back worriedly. "I'm just a little warm that's all" he lied.  I felt his forehead and he was burning up. "Babe your running a fever!" I said getting up to get some medicine for him.

I came back into the room to see him snuggled under the white duvet. I smiled gently as I sat beside him. "Sit up and take these" I insisted. He sat up and I handed him two pills and a glass a water. He took them handing me the cup. I sat it down and attempted to cuddle up to him, just to be pushed away. "Please" I whined. "No, I don't want you getting sick" he insisted. "You already coughed in my face, Ive probably got it already" I retorted.  "Fine" he sighed, giving in. I cuddled up to him and left small kisses on his neck. "Connah?" He said. "Yes" I replied. "I won't ever leave" he said sounding dead serious. Why would he bring up leaving? I don't want him to leave. "You can push me away, but I'll always come back" he continued. "Why?" I asked, not quite understanding what he was getting at. "Because I love you" he said soflty. I played there, mouth wide open. I was like a fish out of water and couldn't find the words to respond. That's the first time he's ever said he loved me. I live him, but I don't know ibim ready to say it back. I'm massively utterly in love with this boy, and I can't find the words to say it.

He looked at me waiting for a response. His eyes started to glisten, he looked hurt. "No, no Troye. Please don't cry" I begged, embracing him. "You didn't say it back Connie, do you not love me? Did I say it too early?" He said starting to cry. Nice going, you made your sick boyfriend cry. "Of course I do, I just can't say it right now. I'm sorry, but I do Troye I really do" I explained. He let out a sigh of relief and wiped his eyes. He fell asleep, holding on to me for dear life.

Troye's been asleep for a while now. I haven't moved, not even slightly. I feel horrible. I made him question my love for him. I want to tell him, I'm just scared. I know its neutral, but I haven't said it since him. I'm so sorry Troye. I love you I really do. I guess I have to show him my love without verbally saying it. I have to say 'I love you' with out saying 'I love you'.

See what I did there, lol. I'm stupid ik, let me live. I don't have much to say so... I hope you guys liked this chapter? Until next time byeee.

Love You Till Death (Tronnor au)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora