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I'm still hugging him, and he hugs me back like I'm gonna slip away and disappear. "You said you loved me yesterday, what are we?" I asked. He stayed quiet before saying, "boyfriends". I smiled at him, "how'd I end up with a pretty boy like you?". He smiled, pink washing over his face. "You're quite that charmer" he mumbled. I smiled, letting go of him. "The doctor said I can leave when I want, do- do we live together?" Hi asked shyly. He nodded. "I'm sorry" I said, barely audible. "Don't be... Let's get you out of here" he said, looking down at his feet again. I just nodded.

After signing some papers, I could officially go home. Problem, I do y know where that is. I looked at Troye for help, and he must of np knew what I was talking about. "We don't live far from here, we can walk" he said. I just nodded and followed him. We ended up in an apartment, full of my things and his, I'm guessing. "Can you show me around, I don't really remember" I said sadly. "Of course" he said. He showed me where everything was, before saying he was gonna take a shower after promising that we'd talk when he got out. I walked down the hallway, looking at the variety of pictures hung up around me. I remembered some of them from when I was younger, pictures of me and Tyler. I laughed at some of them, remembering how silly we we're. I also saw pictures of me, in some we were hugging, kissing, being silly, and I don't remember any of it.

I went to the living room and sat on the couch, burying my head into my knees and started sobbing. Each hot tear that rolled down my face felt like a punishment for not remembering. Not long after, Troye walked into the living room and rushed over once he saw me. He wrapped his arms around me and kept assuring me that everything's gonna be okay. I just laid my head on his shoulder and let the tears dry out. "C-can I g-go t-t-to bed?" I said, my voice croaky and broken from crying so much. "Of course" he said helping me to 'our' room. I layer down and he covered me up. When he stood to leave the room, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. "P-please don't leave" I pleaded. "Never" he mumbled. Never.

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