Only The Beginning

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Last Chapter
*******Five Year Time skip********

"Papa! Daddy! Toby got hurt" my five year old daughter yelled. Me and Troye got up and made our way to check on our son. Sure enough he was on the floor crying, while Adeline held him. "The kisses arent helping Papa" she said running into my arms. I held her and calmed her down while Troye delt with our two year old son Tobias. They look so much alike. My sperm made Adeline and Troye's made Tobias. They were both made in a fake uterus in a hospital. We came to see each of them as a fetus daily. It was time consuming sure, but its so worth it. I watched as Troye examined our son's hurt knee. He went and got him a bandaid to cover the little scratch and then kissed it. "Papa kisses too" he said sniffleing. I kissed Addy's forehead and put her down and went and kissed his knee. "Better?" I asked him. He just wiped his eyes and nodded. "I think its nap time" i said turning back to Troye. He nodded in agreement. I picked up Tobias and carried him out of the playroom and to his bed. "What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked him. "Umm.. Garfield" he decided. I turned on his tv and put in the movie, before going back to him. "Night night Toby, i love you" i said kissing his forehead. "Night night Papa i love you" he said leaning up to kiss my cheek. I nuzzed his nose, and got up to check on Troye and Adeline. I looked in her room to see her watching The Little Mermaid, her eyes droopy and tired. I gasped when i felt to arms around me. "Troye you scared me" i scolded, leading him to the living room so we wouldn't wake the kids. "Im sorry" he said, turning me to face him. He kissed me gently. I pulled him closer and licked his lower lip. He allowed access and and i let my tongue explore his mouth freely. It wasnt anything sexual, just built up craving. He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. "I got you something" he said. "Yeah?" I asked. "Yeah" he said pulling back. He grabbed a rectangular box from behind the couch and handed it to me. We sat on the couch as i unwrapped it. Its a framed photo from out beach trip last month. Adelines on Troye's shoulders, im holding Tobias and he's snuggled into my neck , and him and Adeline are smiling at eachother while me and Troye kissed. "I love it" i said leaning over to hug him. "I love us, i love our family" i continued, pecking his lips before leaning back completely. He turned to face me. "You know what the best part is?" He asked. "What?" I said, locking his gaze. He grabbed my hands and intertwined them with his. I just smiled as he pulled me close. "This is only the beginning of it" he whispered in my ear. And he couldn't have been more right.

This is the last chapter of this story. Im going to miss writing this story so much, but all things must come to an end. Thank you to all of those who stuck around throughout this story, it means alot. Ive been working new fanfictions too, so stick around to read more.

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