Unfamiliar Familiarty

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I woke up snuggling up to my 'boyfriend', if we're even considered that at this point. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, so beautiful. I noticed a silver nose ring and smiled, but then frowned. I don't even my own boyfriend. Everything about him looks so familiar, yet so unfamiliar. I closed my eyes and began to fall back asleep.

This time when I woke up, I was being stared at. I gave him a small smile and he did the same in return. "We slept Ina bit late" he said, his voice thing with rough/husky morning voice, and I'd be lying if I said it want hot. I looked at the clock which read 11:27am. "We can go get lunch and talk some more" he offered. I replied with a nod. We got up and got ready before leaving.

I recognize some things, but it's still a little blurry. We stopped at a coffee shop and ordered pancakes and coffee. "So, what do you want to know?" He asked. "Um... About us and about you" I said, after thinking it over. And so we talked, and we talked some more. We spent the next 3 hours at that little coffee shop chatting and laughing, when it hit me. "Did- did I love you?" Once I said it I instantly regretted it because he looked upset. "Uh yeah, yeah you did" he said quietly, looking down at his lap. I let out a faint 'oh'. "It's okay, you just forgot" he mumbled, obviously seeming hurt. "Let's go watch some movies and eat popcorn okay?" I suggested. I saw him light up a little as he nodded his head.

After after watching the fault in our stars, paper towns, and endless love. We were both a mess, there were tissues all of the couch and our noses were stuffy. We looked over at each other and started laughing at our sensitivity. He laid his head on my shoulder and we just stared at the blank television. I felt him bury his head father into my neck and I started to feel it again, that tingling in my stomach. Butterflies. Of course! That's what it is. I looked over at him for a while until he said something, "what?". "Can I try something?" He took his head of my shoulder and nodded and so I put a hand on his cheek gently. I heard his breath hitch as I leaned forward, my lips crashed into his and I felt it. I felt the Sparks, the butterflies, they're all there. I felt him smile slightly into the kiss. I pulled back, giving him a few pecks before leaning back completely. I just smiled and looked at him, he looked dazed and hopeful. I just smiled bigger and buried my head into the crook of his neck, his arms wrapping around me as I did. I felt his fingers trace my spine, making me feel at ease. I still wish I could remember it all...

A/n: Sorry that this update is a little late

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