Figuring Things Out

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I couldn't sleep much last night, for two reasons. One, the hospital bed is really small. Two, I've been trying to figure out who that crying boy is. He seems so familiar, yet so unfamiliar at same time. Now I'm sitting here waiting for my doctor to see when I get released. After want feels like forever, she stands at the frame of the doorway to my room. "Good news Mr.Franta! You get released today, so whenever you'd like you can leave" she said. I just gave a her a small nod and smiled. As she walked away, the crying boy stood there. He continued looking at the floor as he walked closer to me. The tension in the air grew thicker by the second. He sat in the chair beside my bed. When he finally looked up at me, I could see his puffy and swollen bloodshot eyes. He's been crying. Because of me.

I just continued to stare at him, he's beautiful. I wish I could remember him. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to speak, "Hey". "Hey" he replied quietly, you could practically here the heartbreak in his voice. I was important to him, was he important to me? "What happened?" I asked. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, "You really don't remember do you?" He asked timidly. "Not at all" I admitted. "Well, first of all, my name is Troye. A few months ago you had a boyfriend named Simon, he treated you badly before hospitalizing you and leaving you. You went through sever and anxiety, with no one to help you but your bestfriend Tyler. He introduced me to you and I helped you. One night at a sleepover, Tyler said 'Simon' and it triggered you into having a panic attack. I tried, o swear I tried to get you to snap out of it. You started having a seizure and you were shaking so badly, and I was so scared. Your head was slammed gains the floor. I tried to do something, I-i" he started sobbing into his hands. I got off my bed and went over to hug him. "It's okay, it's not your fault" I said soothingly. Im sorry beautiful boy, I'm so sorry...

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