Chapter 13

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My mother thankfully used her teleportation power to get Aunt Claire and I to her house; I was not really in the mood for more travel. My mother didn’t stay long, she gave me a quick hug and told me to be strong and was gone in a flash. I couldn’t really blame her, here I was digging up a past she had wanted nothing more then to leave behind.

            I started unpacking in the guest room since I figured I would probably be staying here awhile. So I put my clothes away in the drawers and placed some pictures on the desk and then decided to go find Aunt Claire.

“I knew you would come find me eventually.” She quipped when I found her in the backyard sitting in a chair enjoying a cup of tea.

“That is because you always know everything.” I replied sitting in the chair beside her.

“You say that like it bothers you KiKi.” She replied her voice as calm and serene as always.

“Sometimes it does, actually sometimes it infuriates me that you know everything all the time yet you only give out information when it seems convenient.” I answered honestly and that’s finally when she turned to look at me with a thoughtful look on her face.

“I didn’t ask for my gifts Kylie just as you did not ask for yours. You take what fate gives you and you appreciate it or you will live a life of constant disappointment.” She replied and I let out a long sigh and she just took a sip of tea and hummed in contentment.

“All I ever wanted was to grow up and meet my mate and get married and then have pups and be happy. I don’t even want the crown or the title, I don’t want any of this.” I cried.

“You don’t get to choose your fate my dear.” She said simply and patted my knee and stood up and headed back into the house leaving me alone with my thoughts. I groaned and leaned back in my chair and shut my eyes and tried to clear all my thoughts before I went insane. I missed my mate, I miss my family and I missed my friends, yes even Gage who had obviously temporarily lost his damn mind. I noticed the weather was starting to mirror my emotions which I assumed went along with my powers so I tried a little harder to control my emotions before I created a huge storm that would surely mirror the torment I felt in my heart right now.

            A little while later Aunt Claire came back outside and smiled softly at me.

“Do you want dinner or should we start practicing with your powers first?” she asked.

“Powers please, the sooner I can control them the sooner I can get back to my mate.”

“You really love him don’t you?” she asked

“Yes and I know it sounds crazy but I think he was truly meant for me, I mean how strange is it that we are both white wolves and both of our mates rejected us.”

“I don’t think it sounds crazy, trust me since the day your mother walked into my life nothing ever seemed “crazy” again. Fate has a plan for the woman in your family and I’m afraid it will continue to get worse until it is completed.”

“Ugh I don’t want to be a part of any plan Fate has, I just want to live my life.” I groaned.

“And what fun would it be to live for the next 1,000 years if nothing exciting ever happened?” She asked.

“Touché.” I replied and then she started explaining my powers. Apparently I could control the elements, including the weather, telekinesis, I couldn’t teleport but I could project myself at another location which was kind of weird. It meant my physical body would remain and the first location and I could project a replica of myself at another destination and have the same capabilities I did in my physical form but my physical form would be useless during this. I could also fly which I thought was kind of cool but awkward at the same time. I was a wolf and wolves shouldn’t fly it seemed unnatural and it made me feel more like a witch than a wolf. I also found out I had fairy capabilities which were pretty similar to my control of the elements.

            It also seems my powers are a lot stronger then my mother’s which actually a little frightening because I’ve seen what she can do when she loses her temper. I’ve also heard a few stories from my dad and grandmother about just how volatile she can be when pissed off. My father had even gone as far as calling her a fire breathing dragon which I think just made his situation worse because my mother’s control of fire seems to be her strong point. My strong point seems to be the weather but my favorite power is being able to fly.

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